The Unspeakable

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BLAIR MONTGOMERY would be lying to herself if she said that living by the beach wasn't her ideal life. Growing up in a small village where she could only hear stories from her grandparents about their adventures and their endless journeys in the sea made her wonder sometimes if it was all just a fairytale to keep children entertained.

She would spend her whole summer with her friends from the village, walking around a nearby forest and pick out the freshest strawberries they would find until late in the evening only to eat them while they were watching the sun set from the highest hill of their small village. She would do anything to spend a few more minutes with them, always trying to convince their parents to let them stay up till midnight or even make them ran around small alleys, singing and shouting to their neighbours. At those moments she could forget her undying need to spend her summer by the sea only for it to come back when she would wake up in her bedroom to realise she had never really left the village. She was just dreaming.

Blair knew from a very young age that both of her grandparents were wizards. They had taught her everything she needed to know up until the age she would to Hogwarts and even though neither of her parents was ever present in her life since the age of five, she was well aware of their being pure-bloods too. Her young self used to question her parent's sudden disappearance, wandering every day if they were ever going to come back. Her grandmother was the one who would dismiss those thoughts unlike her grandfather who was more willing to tell her the truth. She never got an honest answer though. Only silence and guilty stares.

The letter from Hogwarts came just in time for her 11th birthday. Both of her grandparents suffocated her in a warm embrace when they read it and only pulled away when Blair made a weird noise as she tried to breath through their bodies. Her grandmother had never looked more proud or cheerful before and as the days passed by she had already made a list for her granddaughter's first year as a witch. Her grandfather would tell her stories from when he was a student at Hogwarts and how he had met the love of his life while studying there. They both reminisced those days sitting on the small balcony of their house and enjoying the summer heat while Blair listened carefully at every word.

"We were both on our fifth year when we met. I was a Ravenclaw while your grandmother was a Gryffindor. We shared the same class and got to sit together for an assignment and let me tell you, she had absolutely no clue about what we had to do."

"Don't believe him dear. If it wasn't for me we would've failed dramatically. He thought that just because he was a Ravenclaw he was better than me."

"Do I have to remind you about the time when you came crying to me because you couldn't understand an assignment?"

"For your information I wasn't crying, I was just complaining..."

Blair could only admire them from a far at that moment. They had spent so many years with one another but their relationship hadn't changed one bit. They were still in love and made each other blush at the memories of their teenage years, no one ever seemed to regret any of the decisions they had made together and never was one bored in the presence of the other. In Blair's eyes they were still their sixteen year old selves, so attracted by one another and so in love that it was impossible for anyone to ignore.

The young Montgomery spent the last few days of her summer before she would officially start Hogwarts imagining what her life would be like there. She thought about the people she would meet, what House she would probably be sorted into, if she would cry the first day she would be away from her grandparents. She would never admit it out loud but she was certain that the first night at Hogwarts without them kissing her goodnight before going to sleep, would most likely make her cry under her blanket.

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