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Summer, 2006

Rachael, then twelve years old, walked inside the room that had waited for her longing return. She sat on her bed and hugged her teddy bear tightly.

"Sometimes I think you are Han Sung." she said.

She set it aside and suddenly found a letter on her dresser drawer. The envelope was signed by Albert himself. She looked around, opened the envelope and read the paper inside from it.

My dear Rachael,

I hope did well at the Hwarang Academy. I'm terribly sorry of what my 'wife' did to you and Pracila.

At first, I thought the place was suppose to be filled with positive intentions. But then I remembered what your mother told me before she died from the evil Suk Hyun-Jae. She said that I musn't ever bring you or Pracila to the place. When I heard that you were nearly in trouble by Hyun-Jae, I knew I had to act quickly. So I had him arrested, too. If you are wondering about Han Sung and Dan-Se, I called their parents on the phone, and they are has happy as can be. That's right, I know their parents!

Rachael, I know you are growing up so fast. And you are learning to be a little adult. But...don't grow up too quickly, otherwise, you wouldn't have a childhood. I love you, and Pracila too.

Your father, Albert Ceallaigh.

Sometime later, it was the start of school season. As Rachael and Pracila were driven to school, the roads started to portray and nostalgic getaway.

"Haven't we been here before?" chuckled Rachael.

"I think so!" replied Pracila.

As the car stopped, the place in front of them was the same.

"No way!" complained Rachael.

"Are we really going to school here?" asked Pracila.

Albert sniggered. He led them to the inside of the school and surprisingly, everything was different! There were more students. But they weren't in traditional clothing!

"Something is fishy over here!" said Rachael.

But just as they were about to head to class, six students appeared in front of the two girls. They were the same...just without traditional clothing! And in the middle of them, stood the handsome Suk Han Sung. Rachael noticed his bright smile. She ran up to him, in his arms.

"Oh, my god, you don't know how much I've missed you, Han Sung!"

"I feel the exact same thing, Rachael! And yet, here we are!"

"Together, again!"


Just when the school bell rang, they kissed under the beautiful sunshine. Albert was confused, 

"Did I miss something here?"

"Yes, Dad!" Pracila said, "You missed a great love story!"




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