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aurelias pov.

i sighed, thinking about what type of stream i should do. i could do a ylyl, roblox, or more. fucking hell, why is it so hard to just pick a topic?! i decided to just do a normal chatting + gaming stream, answering questions and playing a bunch of other games with viewers.

my "starting soon" screen popped up, chat screaming, i haven't went live in a bit due to my mental health. I finally started, greeting and thanking all the donations.

we started off by playing some gta, i had a bunch of questions and A LOT of new chatters. i smiled tl myswlf, chat being able to see it since im faceless, forgot to mention that, whoopsies ya lil gay readers, yes you.. ANYWAYS done breaking the 4th wall..


I ended the stream 3 hours after, it felt nice to see my followers and subs for once. i noticed my phone screen light up, i picked it up and read the random numbers messages

yo, its isaac

just text me when your done streaming

i had completely forgot about that, i quickly changed his contact name to isaac, messaging him back

sorry for not answering, i took a bit long on the stream 😭

no worries

well i need to work on smth so ill talk to you later

okay bye

i smiled to myself, kicking my feet. isaac was really pretty, i know i just met him but its not like i like or love him or anything.


isaacs pov.

I smiled to myself, turning off my phone and laying it on my chest. i didn't like love her or anything, i think. but i got up and sat at my pc, turning it on. me and my friendgroup has to record for our podcast.

i heard the discord ringtone sound, all of us hopping in the vc and talking before start. my mind was set on aurelia. everyone noticed i wasnt the casual isaacwhy.



fter we were done with the podcast, i realised i wasnt talking alot. but who cares? theres alot of episodes with me talking. i checked my phone, seeing a message from aurelia pop up.


if ur busy still sry for interrupting

ok im probably gonna go to bed


sorry for not answering

i was on call with my friend

i smiled at my phone, getting up and pulling it in, i checked the time and saw it was 1am. i dont usaully go to bed at this time, but i was extra tired.


i wrote half of this in ela and the other in science

𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 • isaacwhy Where stories live. Discover now