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As I was walking and admiring the beauty of the sea an I received an email on my phone
When I read it it was an email saying if I wanted to join a school for countrys and states

Hmm wierd how did they know my number?

I had nothing to do anyway so I accepted
After I told them I accepted they said that I have to say a ⭐magic word ⭐ after I said it teleported me in front of a school that's so big the gate was big the gate opened and I entered it was so huge
I got lost after exploring until someone came to me he asked if I was new I said yes can u take to the rincipals office please I asked he nodded and took me to the office I knocked and when I heard a voice that said enter I went in

Hello Philippines I see someone brought you here may I ask who?

The guy who showed me the way said me sir
Oh Canada thank you for showing Philippines the way
O may I also ask if you could tour him around the school if your not busy

Canada agreed

Anyways Philippines here's your schedule
You can call me Phil or Philip
Sir and thank you
I said as he handed me the schedule

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