Chapter 6 Saving Princess Tiger Lily and Tricking Captain Hook

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The three had made it to Skull Rock and were currently hiding behind a high rock, listening to the conversation. They could see Hook standing on the longboat Mr Smee holding a rope connected to the boat while standing on a rock and Tigerlily tied to an anchor sitting on a rock surrounded by water.

"Now me dear princess this is me proposition" Hook's voice echoed "You tell me the hiding place of Peter Pan and I shall set you free."

Y/N eyes widened a look of worry and concern as she looked at Peter. But he looked back at her and just says "Don't worry Y/N, everything will be fine." But she was still extremely worried for Peter.

'Would Princess Tigerlily give Peter up?' She asked hoping that Tigerlily wouldn't give him up.
"You dog!" Peter whispered standing up a bit on the rock. "Poor Tigerlily" Wendy said quietly while Y/N never looked away from the scene in front of her.

"Am I not a man of me word Mr Smee?" Captain Hook asked turning to the older man. "Oh yes," Mr Smee he turned to look at his crossing his fingers in plain sight "always Cap'n!"

"You'd better talk me dear" Hook warned but Tigerlily held her head up high, "for soon the tide will be in and then it will be to late"

"I'll show the old codfish" Peter muttered to himself before turning to his soulmate and her younger sister "Stay here you two and watch the fun!" Peter bounced away while the girls turned to each other completely confused "Fun?" The both whispered to each other.

"Remember" Hook continued "there is no path through water to the happy hunting ground." Tigerlily didn't say a word and Hook hooked his hook under one of the ropes around Tigerlily in anger before yelling in her face "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TIGERLILY!!!!"

"Manatoa!" Peter's voice suddenly echoed through the cavern making Y/N look up in confusion at what his plan is "Great spirit of mighty sea water speak!" The pirates looked around in fear as Peter continued "Beware Captain Hook! Beware! Beware!"

"Did you hear that Smee?" The frightened Captain asked his first mate. "It's an evil spirit Captain." Mr Smee spoke in fear.

"Stand by Smee while I take a look around" Hook commanded drawing his sword, "Spirit of the great seawater is it?" He asked twirling his mustache with his hook before walking deeper into the cave. He eventually made it to the rock Peter was hiding behind, but Peter hid away from him before flying up to another rock.

"Psst....Y/N" Peter said grabbing his soulmate's attention "Watch this." He jumped down behind another rock before using his hat to echo his voice as he imitated Hook "Mr Smee!"

"Uh yes Cap'n?" Smee asked while looking for the source to find his captain. "Release the princess and take her back to her people." 'Hook' said.

Mr Smee nodded happily saluting "Aya,aye sir. Release the princess.." he stopped suddenly. "But....but Captain..." he stuttered before Peter cut him off.

"Those are me orders Mr Smee!!" Peter shouted scaring the poor old man. "Aye,aye sir" Smee saluted again not wanting to anger his captain.

Peter smiled looking up at Y/N,smiling and pointing a thumb at Smee. Y/N giggled and bought Wendy's attention to what he was doing then Wendy started laughing too.

Captain Hook was still looking for the source of the original voice when he heard Mr Smee talking to himself "Well at last Captain Hook has comin' to his senses."

"Odds fish?" Hook said while scratching his head with his hook. "I told him all along you Indians wouldn't betray Peter Pan. But..." Smee was rowing away with the princess when Hook stopped him.

"And just what do you think you are doing Mr Smee?" Hook asked calmly even though he was boiling with rage that his first mate defied his orders. "Just what you told me cap'n" Smee kept rowing but Hook used his foot to keep the boat in place. "Carryin' out your orders."

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