Chapter 15

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Yonna can you sit with my baby at the hospital, I forgot I have a meeting with my lawyer today. I asked Yonna as I grabbed my bag. I was about to leave back out and head to the hospital but I just got the reminder on my phone that I had a meeting in 30 minutes. I just wanted to hurry up and sign my papers and get this divorce finalized.

Yeah of course!

Thank you so much! His phone and iPad is in the bag with his clothes.

Okay, you need anything else?

No! Thank you!

No problem sis that's what's family so for.

I definitely would lose my head if it wasn't for you. We walked to our cars and she got in hers and I got in mine. I plugged the address into my GPS and made my way down my long driveway.

I can't believe how me and Monster are ending things. It's even crazier that we have been having sex for almost a week straight. Like he's literally in the house with me and in bed with me from 9pm to 8am. That's a long ass time to be missing. Wonder what he's telling Kelly. Makes me wonder all the times he told me he was working at night was he really?

Heyy Andrea! I smiled shaking my lawyers hand.

Hey hun, how are you?

I'm okay...let's get this over with!

Okay....follow me!

I followed her into the conference room and Monster couldn't even look at me. He just looked down in shame as I stared at him. He even had his pet dog with him.

Why is she here? I asked annoyed sitting down across from him. Honestly I felt stupid having sex with him knowing that he was divorcing me. I just feel like this is bullshit and he played me and betrayed me but I'm the dumb one cause I'm still giving myself to him and he's still not committed to me.

Because I'm bouta be his wife! She said getting smart.

Well good for you! I hope you two are happy together and that you can give him every single thing his heart desires and more. I hope a long last marriage for y'all. And I hope that your everything I ever wasn't!

Trust me I am!

Okay so should we get started!? His lawyer said. Monster had the most blankets facial expression on his face. He just looked down the whole entire time. It looks could kill he would be dead cause I was staring him down so hard.
"My client Mr. Stevenson is prepared to give her 1 Billion dollars every year and a 20 million dollar advance with all access to all his accounts."

I don't want it! I blurted out before he could finish cutting my eyes at the lawyer.

Mrs. Stevenson...

No Andrea I don't want it! I have my own money! And I don't wanna be the excuse plus her over there is the reason why somebody wheel is drying up. Living the fast life he lives who knows how long he got. I don't live off of anyone I have my own money and I can support my children on my own. But you can take that money and make accounts for your children give it to them. Buy them houses, pay for their college tuitions, buy them cars with it and whatever else they heart desires but I don't want it!
No where do I sign?

Okay umm right here, and right here! My lawyer showed me as I signed the divorce papers.

How long until they are fully divorced.? Kelly asked smiling from ear to ear.

About 24 hours. We are going to go down and file these motions right now so by tomorrow you both will be legally single and separated and divorced! Andrea said. I nodded my head and grabbed my purse and left out the room. I didn't wanna come off as bothered but soon as I got In My car I lost it. I bursted into tears. I took a deep breath dried my face and wiped my eyes. Any body who is for me will be for me. God makes no mistakes removing anybody from my life!

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