""Hey hey heyyyyy!" Brandon shouted as he pulled Aurora into a bear hug followed by me.

"This is going to be such a sick holiday." Brandon said as he ran towards the security area.

I really hope so.


We boarded the plane making me feel a little sick. Fuck I hate the idea of planes let alone actually boarding one.

"Hey you ok?" Aurora asked me as she walked next to me to sit down in our assigned seats.

"Yeah I'm fine just tired I'll swap with you if you want so you can sit next to Teddy." I said making her shake her head.

"No your my bestie I would rather spend the flight with you I'm with my boyfriend every single second of every single day I think he can survive without me  for 8 hours." Aurora said sitting next to me.

"And I know what you and Brandon are like you'll probably end up killing each other half way through the flight." Aurora said making me laugh.

I looked out the plane window and watched as it slowly started to move down the run way getting faster and faster. I closed my eyes and gripped my seat.

I quickly remembered I brought my headphones and pulled them out of my bag putting them in my ears. Music helps me in every situation.

"Breath dais it's going to be ok." Aurora reassured me while holding my hand. I sent a small smile her way and braved the rest of the flight.

* 8 hours later*

"Fuck that." I said walking off the plane as I felt my body shake slightly.

"Huh thought it would be warmer." Brandon said as he looked around.

"It's England what do you expect." Teddy said as he unlocked the car he rented.

"Nice ride babe." Brandon laughed while putting his bags in the back leaving basically no room for anyone else.

"Let's just get to the hotel please I'm starving, tired and need a cigarette." I whined as I climbed into the car.

"PREACH!" Brandon said as he also got into the car next to me.

"When we get to the hotel we find a good place to smoke deal?" I asked as I stuck out my pinky finger for him to lock his with.

"Fuck yes deal." Brandon said locking his pinky with mine. That's one thing me and Brandon can both agree on that if your going to smoke you should be comfortable doing it.

I watched the outside of the window as we drove down the busy motor way to the hotel.

"A motel?" Brandon said as he huffed.

"Brandon not everyone can get the palace you dream of let's just go inside." I said in a tired mood at this point.

"We'll come on bitches let's get this holiday started." Brandon said as he ran to the front desk to get checked in.

"Yeah well Brandon we um have something to tell both you and Daisy, so meet us in our room it's number 235 in around twenty minutes." Teddy said making me and Brandon turn to him and nod before leaving for our rooms.

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