"Melody, why didn't you tell us at the beginning who your mate is!" Scold Ash in his parent voice.

I shrug choosing not to verbally answer him, I let the information sink in. Oh sherbit I am in so much trouble. Jumping up from my seat I exclaim,

"What?" my brain feels like it's shattering, "What do I do? If I do nothing all I will do is confuse the crab out of him. He already thinks 'Aubrey Elizabeth' is his mate. What if he thinks he has two mates and thinks she's the better one? Then he might just reject me! Ughhh! Why did I choose to have a double life, it's just complicating my life," at this point I've taken over pacing and I'm doing that awkward laugh cry thing. Since I'm not entirely sure if I should laugh at how pathetic my life is or if I should cry at my misfortunes.

My family members remain silent throughout my little rant, giving me time to process everything. But I did hear a growl at the mention of him rejecting me. Continuing my pace, hands now in my mouth as a start feasting on my nutritionist nails.

"Who said that Alec needs to find out?" asks Grey calmly with a sly smile tugging at his lips.

"I know that face, I don't like that face. It got us in trouble a lot as kids. Greyson, what are you thinking about? Asks a slightly terrified Xander.

"Mel can always spray herself with scent masking spray. Then all she has to do is actively avoid him while he's here. She could try and stay out of the house. I mean duh! It's not that hard."

"One problem Greyson... I LIVE HERE!! My scent is all over the stupidly massive thing we call a home" I exclaim.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Mel. You can go out tomorrow with your new friends. And we will all spray the house before he arrives, and keep the windows open so that your scent doesn't attach itself to anything in the house again before you leave." he responds.

"Another slight prob..."

"What now?" asks a tentative Dylan.

"His twin sister is one of my new friends" I say looking down. I genuinely hope that me being mates with her brother doesn't male things awkward between the two of us. I really like her. We get along so well, I hope it will bring us closer together. I would be devastated if she no longer wanted to be my friend because she thinks I'm trying to get with her brother.

They all look at me with open mouths. Hunter actually starts crackling no doubt finding this entire situation hilarious.

Viola says snarky, "Tell them to close their mouths before they catch flies." Not being able to deal with them and her simultaneously I block her out. I can always talk to her later when she's in a much better mood. She's still mad I ran from Alec.

"You definitely have a prob little sis" says Ash hugging my shoulders, squeezing them tightly almost like he's afraid to lose me.

"I'm sure that my smart little sister will come up with a great plan. Just make sure that he ends up finding out you're his mate at some point kiddo. We will help with anything you need, but keep in mind that you cannot keep this from him for too long. Being away from your mate after finding her is especially difficult for Alpha's. He could die if he is without his mate for too long. It would be a slow and painful death."

I brush Ashton's arm off from around my shoulder, shuddering thinking of anything happening to Alec. I let out a whimper at the thought of him dying.

"You're not helping Ash!" I mutter angrily and stomp upstairs to my bedroom.

I know Ash was trying to be helpful but all he did was freak me out. I bang my room door closed, hoping that they take that as a hint that I would like to be alone. I deposit myself onto my bed. I take a pillow from my collection and scream my lungs out onto it for a solid five minutes. Probably would have been better to do that in the studio, since it's a soundproof room.

The best idea right now is to spray myself with masking spray tomorrow. And instead of being inside the house I will be outside, I mind link the family with my decision asking each of them to do a part of the house and before they can reply I block them out. I'll spend time outside alone or beg one of my cousins to go out with me, if I'm really desperate I'll even go train with the other wolves in our pack. I shudder at the thought.

Who knew running from an Alpha would be this hard. Well running and hiding from an Alpha, maybe doing one instead of both would have been a little easier.

"You shouldn't have run away from him. You made Alec sad and confused, we could have been adults about all of this and simply explained the situation to him!" mumbles an obviously irritated Viola.

"It's a little too late now for logic Viola. What's done is done, now I suffer the consequences of my actions, and you suffer with me. I would really like to tell him I'm his mate. But right now all we will do is end up confusing him more. He thinks 'Aubrey Elizabeth' is his mate" I say using hand quotations for 'Aubrey Elizabeth.'

I sigh loudly.

"He doesn't know I live a double life. I never knew that the solution to living a normal and famous life would come back to bite me in the ass."

I actually thought it would make my life a little easier. No paparazzi following me around all the time, I get to experience life like everyone else. But no it made it harder. Ugh! Instead it causes me to act like a fool and run from my mate because I'm too chicken to tell him who I really am.

I just shake my head. I decided to get a nice warm shower to rinse my problems away for a while. Not the brightest idea but it did help me calm my nerves about tomorrow. As the warm water hit my taunt muscles I felt my body relax. I sighed out in momentary relief.

Half an hour later I stepped out of the shower, clean and ready to tackle the problem at hand. I wish I could wash my problems away permanently, but I'm more confident in my plan for tomorrow. It's amazing what a nice warm shower can do for you. From the bathroom I walked into my walk-in closet and grabbed a pair of pajamas. I brush my hair then let out a yawn. It's been a bit of a dramatic day, my own fault no doubt, but I'm glad the day is finally over.

I lift the comforter off of my bed and I climb inside, having the intention of dreaming about my very handsome mate.

Before I closed my eyes I thought of a full proof plan. Well not exactly full proof but it will probably work. Well more full proof than it was previously, just filing down the edges on the last plan and finalizing it.

I hope tomorrow goes well.

In the middle of the night my lips tug into a smile as I dream of my sexy greek god like mate, Alec. I'm taking that as a good sign for tomorrow. 

. . . 


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If you would like to read ahead:

The next chapter is available on Inkitt, and the next two chapters are available on Libri!


The Alpha's Famous Mate |RewrittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora