Chapter 4

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Friday (All)

Nick had been awake for 4 days now. He had just been allowed out of the hospital 2 days ago.

Matt was so happy. Nick was healing really fast and he could move around the house easily. The first big struggle came when Nick tried to take a shower. They were able to help him while still respecting his and their own boundaries.

Matt refused to use his own bathroom. He was already getting an appointment set up for the tile to be replaced since it had been stained red. He didn't want anyone in there, not Chris, not his parents, and certainly not Nick.

Nick however, was too curious for his own good and snuck down one night to look. He didn't think it would affect him. He felt sad for Matt and Chris when he saw it. In the corner of the bathroom were Chris's stained shoes. He had to have put them there after the fact. Why they weren't just thrown away? He didn't know. He snuck down into Chris's room that night. He nudged Chris to move over so that he could join him. Chris stayed mostly asleep but grunted and moved. Nick lifted the covers and snuggled close to Chris's side. Chris put an arm around him and then his breathing evened into sleep almost immediately. Nick stayed awake for a while, staring at the ceiling.

Nick turns when he hears the door creak. It's Matt.

They give each other questioning looks. Then after a few seconds Matt shrugs. Nick nods and pushes Chris over again. Chris huffs and moves. Nick moves as well and Matt slips in next to Nick. They are all lying in different positions. Chris is on his stomach with an arm over Nick who is laying on his back to avoid pressure on his injury. Matt's on his side, facing Nick and Chris. With both of them there, Nick can finally fall asleep.

The next morning. Nick admits to going into Matt's bathroom.

Now it was Friday. They had arranged to meet with detective Coleman. He would be meeting them at their house.

Matt had been sleeping in the living room since mom and dad were staying in his room.

Chris heard the front doorbell ring and he went down to open it.

"Hey detec-" Chris began but he stopped when he realized the person was not in fact the detective. It was somebody with a gun and a Mask.

"Shut the fuck up and walk back up those stairs." The stranger said and held the gun to Chris's back as he walked.

Once in the living room, the stranger spoke again.

"Call 'em out."

"I won't."

"You will unless you want a bullet in your brain right now."

Chris hesitates and feels the gun being pressed into the back of his head.

"Matt! Nick!" He shouted out.

"Coming Chris!" Nick shouted back before him and Matt came down the stairs together. They froze.

"Great." The stranger said and knocked Chris unconscious.

Nick let out a strangled gasp. Matt went to check on him but was stopped by the gun.

"Don't move."

Matt froze again.

"What do you want?" Nick asks.

"Just for you to suffer."


"You haven't had enough of it. You live a perfect spoiled life with 2 parents and siblings that care about you. It's my job to humble you."

"It is definitely not perfect. Never has been." Nick says bitterly. "And who do you think you are, saying it's your job to 'humble us.'"

"I just know what's best for the world."

Suddenly there are sirens heard down the street. They figure their neighbors are getting annoyed at this point.

"Which of you fuckers called them!?" The stranger yells angrily and waves the gun around. He takes a moment to turn and look at Chris who is still completely out on the floor.

The stranger panics, clicks the trigger and tries to escape off the patio. The bullet doesn't hit anyone.

Nick ignores everything going on outside and rushes to Chris. He is slowly coming to.

Chris winces and Nick smiles in relief.

"Hey buddy."

Police are inside seconds later and their parents come out of Matt's room.

"Oh thank god you're all alive." Mary Lou says.

"We have detained the suspect." One of the officers says. Then nods in Chris's direction. "Does he need medical?"

"Yes. Just a check over at least." Their mom says.

"We've got a unit outside, we'll send 'em in."

Nick gets Chris up and helps him move to the couch.


A few paramedics came in to check him out. They said he had a concussion but didn't need the hospital. They just gave them some rules to follow, especially concerning sleep.

"Well you 3 have had an eventful week haven't you?" It was the officer from the first night. The one that questioned Chris and Matt on the curb.

Matt sighed. "Yeah but I think it's finally over."

"Well you know the drill. I gotta ask you some questions now."

"I won't have much for you, officer. Chris has got more, but clearly he's out of commission for the moment."

"I'll ask you anyway." She says.

Matt smiles and nods.

In the end they told a watered down story to their fans. They told them how they found Nick very hurt and he had to stay in the hospital for 4 days. And how the intruder came back but was arrested before he could cause any real damage again.

They installed a little but of security, but ultimately went about their lives. They never ignored texts anymore or let their phones die if they were alone.

Thats the end everyone! Thanks for reading.

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