Chapter Three

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He turned his head and looked at Felicia.
It was him... the boy she bumped into earlier.

His pov:
I turned my head and saw 'her' the girl who bumped me earlier.
Frenkie tapped my shoulder and said:'' Hey don't stare at my sister.''
''That's your sister?''

3dr person (Her/she) POV:
Xavi turned to Felicia.
''Felicia would you like to introduce yourself?''
''Yeah sure.... Uhm.... So I'm Felicia, Frenkie's little sister. I turn 20 next month and live in Barcelona since yesterday.'' Felicia said, with a smile.

The team came to introduce themselves, she just had three people to go and finally someone she knew came.

''Hi, I'm Robert Lewandowski, but you can just call be Robert.''
''Hi Robert, I'm Felicia.''
''Yeah I know Frenkie has been talking about how you came to move to Barcelona for over a month.''
''Yep, he is very happy that you're here.''
''I know.... Well it was nice to meet you, Robert I loved you at Bayern München, I was at the match against Ajax. I still love you btw, I mean you're one of the best strikers of this generation.''
''Nice to meet you too and thank you, also let's not talk about the match against Ajax, that was a dark time for the Bayern trainings.''
''Well I mean we, Bayern, the best club in the world, was beaten by a club from the Netherlands and no offense! But you know, clubs from the Netherlands are not the best....'' Robert replied.
''It's okay, it's true.'' Felicia smiled as Robert walked away.

The next person came, she recognizes him by face but she just can't think of his name.
'' Hey'' he says.''
''Hey, I'm Felicia.''
''I'm Pablo Gavi.''
''Ah see I knew that I recognized you! Nice to meet you Pablo.''
''Haha, I get that a lot. Nice to meet you.'' He walks away.

Now the boy Felicia bumped into comes.
''Hey'' She says.
''Hey, I'm Pedri.''
''I'm Felicia as you probably already knew.''
''Yeah, I knew.''

Why was this so awkward? It's just a random guy, well not that random, I mean he's a footballer from FC Barcelona.

''Sorry again for bumping into you, are your headphone still intact?'' Felicia says, hoping she didn't have to pay for them.
''Yeah, they are completely fine.''
''Thank god.'' She said relieved.
''But I have to go train now so....''
''Okay? Go!''

Pedri walks away and Frenkie walks towards her and said:'' Why were you taking to Pedri so long?''
''It wasn't that long.''
Felicia gave him a look.
''Okay fine but don't come to me if you fall in love with him.'' He says as he winks and turns around, to walk away.

Felicia rolls her eyes at him and kicks a ball at him and it hit him right on the back of his head.
He turned around and looked at her, he wanted to kick the ball back but Xavi stopped him.
Xavi walked over to me and said:'' You don't have much to do today, but next week on Wednesday we have a game, against Atletico Madrid, so next week will be a busy day.''
''Okay.'' Felicia simply replied.

''We are now going to do practice match with each other.'' He continued.
''But we are missing someone today, so would you like to fill and play a practice match with us?''
''Yeah sure, sounds fun.'' Felicia replied as they walked onto the field.
''You know how football works... right?'' Xavi asks.
''Yeah of course, I grew up with football, I even played football myself for 15 years.''
''Oh really? Why did you stop?''
''I was 18 and the coaches took it too seriously for a hobby.'' Felicia lied, the story was a whole lot different, she had actually played in the Ajax women's team in the women's Eredivisie, but no one here has to know that yet.
She was here in Barcelona and hoped on a fresh, new start, away from her old football life, although she would love to play professional again.

''That's stupid, as long as you play amateur you have to enjoy it, you have to enjoy what you're hobby is.'' Xavi said as he called the team together.
''Okay guys we're going to do a practice match. And since Raphinha is sick or something will Felicia take his place.''

The teams are made and they start. Felicia was on a team with Pablo (Gavi) and Robert which was good because she was good but not against male profs obviously.
They played against Frenkie, Pedri and an many more players. It was 0-2 for Felicia's team when everyone stops for a 5 minute break.

Felicia stood with Pablo (Gavi) drinking some water when he said: ''Pedri isn't himself today.''
''What do you mean?''
''I mean that he's distracted all the time.''
''Oh didn't notice, he still plays to good for me so.'' Felicia laughed.
''Yeah well I'm gonna ask Robert if he knows something.'' Pablo says as he walks away.

A few seconds later Pedri walked up to Felicia and says: ''You're pretty good at football.''
''Thank you.'' Felicia smiled at Pedri's comment.
''Have you ever played football before?''
''Yes but I stopped when i was 18.'' She lied again, she knows the truth will come out, but she's ready for it yet.
''Why?'' Pedri asks.
''The coaches started to get too competitive for something that was just a hobby.'' 

That was the story that she told everyone, who didn't know who she was besides 'Frenkie De Jong's sister'

''Oh stupid.''
''Yeah I know.''
They looked at each other and stared in each other's eyes for a few seconds until.....

(Authors note)
I hope you really like this chapter nothing much has happened yet but it will come I promise you 🫶

My shirt instead ? || Pedri González حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن