卍 there's just no way 卍

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So, let's sum it up.

I have touched a suicidal person just to pass out and wake up in my old home while baking and listening to one of my favorite songs ever.
All the latter while reading Kafka...?

I didn't know I had this wild kind of imaginery. Like what comes next? My tutoree brakes the wall while riding on top of an UFO and kidnaps me back to reality?

"I'm home!!" came a familiar yell from the entance which was located quite close to the kitchen.

I think I just stopped functioning. It was him. The playful voice belonged to my little brother. Although, it was slightly different somewhat more of a pre-teen like, slightly higher pitched one.

What was 'Jiro doing here? After our sister's death and the incident with Tenjiku, we cut all the connections. Him being a criminal group's leader really damaged our relationship.

As I was thinking about my late sister, a blond haired girl, who looked exactly like Emma, ran through the corridor yelling 'Draken-kun it's awesome to see you'.

What the actual fuck is going on in my mind?
I never was this kind of a creative person.

As I snapped back from my shock I decided to check on what the fucking hell was going on.
And that was the moment when my eyes fell on the calendar in front of a shiny pot.

The date was July 4th, 2005 and the pot that now reflected me in it showed my hair in green color.

Hell, I really was in 2005. Back then... better say now, I was just a stupid 16 year old girl thinking that this lightish green will suit her. Well yeah, I looked like a walking pile of cabbage from the behind. Not to mention the bangs! Looking at it was like staring at a curled leaf.

It was horrible!

"Nee-chan! Where's my welcome greeting and tokoyakis are? I'm feeling neglected!" 'Jiro walked into the kitchen area as I was staring at the pot with an angry face. "Has that thing done something against you?" He chuckled. "By the way, I'll have Ken-chin and Keisuke-chin over for a while after tokoyaki we'll go out, 'k?"
"K-Kei-chan?!" I gasped as tears gathered in my eyes and I ran up to the long haired boy to close him in a thight embrace. Ken and Emma was just looking at us in aw as we shared our moment

Fuck, he really was here!

You can't cry Hikari, just act normally as you would. You're just a sixteen years old girl who doesn't know shit about that her boyfriend is going to die. He's here now so don't worry.

He's right here.
He is, right?

"Hikari-chan, what's wrong?" The feline-like boy asked as he stroked my hair. "Anything happened?"
"It's just... You had been away for so long, Kei-chan!" I cried into his chest I my hug tightened around him. "I missed you so much!"
"You saw me this morning, Cabbage." He chuckled ruffling my hair.
"It was a very long day, okay?" I mumbled. "And don't call me Cabbage, young man!"

"Hah, the young man card. That's what you get for dating an older woman." Ken joked but soon was silenced by Emma's elbow finding it's way straight into his ribcage. "What the-"
"They are having their moment, don't ruin it!" She whispered.

"Nee-chan, I want my taiyaki!! Stop being lovey-dovey with your boyfriend! I. Am. Neglected!!! And I don't like it!!" Jiro said in a way that, for me, resembled a five-year-old's complaining.
"Jiro, if you interupt us again, I'll kick your a... you know what, I'll never make you taiyaki! Ever!" I said with slight smile as Keisuke stroked my hair.
"Easy, Hikari. You can come over to our's for tonight, if you missed me that much." He whispered while he smiled down at me. Gosh, how much I have missed that smile and for how long I have stared at photos to not to forget it! It was already enough that with time I forgot how his voice had sounded.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" I yelled in happiness as I tightened my hug around him but soon letting him go. The takoyaki must be ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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