Chapter Two

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I Deliver Difficult News to My Little Sister

Okay, so let me get the main thing out of the way; Camp Half-Blood is a safe haven for demigods or Half-Bloods. And yes it can lead to some complications at times. Others think they like half-blood wizards from Harry Potter. They're either extremely disappointed or relieved depending on how they take the real reason why we're called half-bloods. Like I said: children of the gods.

Regardless, each of the major gods have a cabin dedicated to them. Cabin one is Zeus, two is Hera, three is Poseidon, four is Demeter, five is Ares, six is Athena, seven is Apollo, eight is Artemis, nine is Hephaestus, ten is Aphrodite, eleven is Hermes and twelve is Dionysus. My cabin is the Hermes cabin because he is the patron saint of travellers, plus I'm undetermined, meaning I go straight there.

"Lux." said a very distinct voice, this was Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and her head counsellor.

"Annabeth." I said monotonously.

Annabeth could kind of read my expression like a book, "What's happened?"

I sighed, "First, The Master Bolt gets stolen. Then it turns out my home city is facing the worst demon attack it's seen since just over a decade ago."

Annabeth looked at me cautiously. I had completely forgotten that only a select few knew about me being a hybrid as well as a half-blood. Either that or she assumed monsters that only half-bloods and certain individuals could.

"What do you mean by demons?" She asked,

"As in literal demons, not monsters like Cyclops. But creatures from the dark side of the bible and then some." I explained, "If you want some extra insight, check out the story of Sparda."

Annabeth looked sceptical, "You mean Sparta, right?" I shook my head and explained the basics of Sparda's story, including him being a demon. "That's no hero I've heard of, is what he did so bad?"

I shook my head, "The legend of Sparda has two most notable stories; The Legendary Dark Knight and The Imperial Avenger. The Legendary Dark Knight came first."

"How did he die?" Annabeth asked, "If he's an old legend then it should be made clear how he died, right?"

I shrugged, "Not sure, all I know is that he disappeared after my Dad's eighth birthday."

"I guess I should've started with that." I admitted, "Sparda is my Grandfather, I'm the first born of his youngest son Dante." Annabeth mouthed my adopted sister's name, I shook my head, "No, she's a half-blood."

Zoë approached us, "Lux is the only known hybrid half-blood." She said, "Kat Redgrave also has a completely different godly parent along with a different mortal parent."

"She's right." I said, beginning to walk away, "I'm gonna get my bow tuned up. Catch you both later at dinner."

I went to cabin eight. You see, the head counsellor of cabin eight is my go to weaponsmith. His name is Charlie Beckendorf; an african american kid with a muscular stature to him, fitting since he works with heavy machinery most days. But he always had a kind expression to him that made him approachable for newcomers and familiar faces alike.

"Well, if it isn't Lux Redgrave." Charlie chuckled, "What can I do for you today?"

"Sup bro," I replied, "Two things really, the first thing is can you tune up my bow?"

"You got it on you?" Charlie asked.

I opened up my left hand, you see when not in use, it's just a bracelet. The same is for The Requiem when not in use.

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