32: My Wife Is A Kinky Freak.

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And shortly he was carrying me like this towards the dining table with a cooky smirk on his lips.

And here I kept blushing while hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

Once we reached the dining space, I see a light breakfast was already kept on the table.

Xavier sat down in his usual spot and also adjusted me on his lap so now I was straddling him.

My heartbeat rose as I was not wearing my pantie and I could feel his clothed member just below my core.

"umm...I-I can sit on an-another chair. I-I might be heavy." I said while stuttering poorly, and only got a tight squeeze on my bum.

I clenched my core more and unintentionally sink more into his lap.

He gently lifted my face while grabbing my chin and came closer to me.

"You can never be enough heavy for me to avoid lifting you kitten, not even when you carry our quadruplets,"

He whispered all these things so smoothly yet so nast(ly) that for a second I got hypotenuse with his words.

"You got me?" he asked while staring directly into my eyes.

"Ye-yess" I breathed out and hugged him tightly while wrapping my arms around him.

I know I am being clingy but I can't stop myself. It's his embrace that only calms me down and makes me feel at home.

I don't know when and how I started feeling these emotions with him but this is how things are getting on between the two of us.

I sighed contently and snuggled more into his warmth when I felt him hugging my body tighter than I was hugging him.

"I am sorry for being so clingy," I whispered embarrassedly but still stuck to him.

"You don't have to. You can be as much clingy as you desire but only with me and no one else. Not even Bryson and Braydon. You get me?"

He started softly but ended up being stern in the last. I grinned like a mad woman when I sensed jealousy in his tone.

"hmm." I just softly hummed in response and loosed my hold around his neck.

"jealously suits you, you know!" I said mischievously and grinned at his face.
He just rolled his eyes at me and spanked my butt.

"ouch..." I hissed and glared at him to which he smirked at me.

I pouted and rubbed my bum as the hit was a bit hard.

"Stop pouting kitten. I know you like it," he whispered huskily near my ear and bit my ear lobe.

I gulped and cleared my throat while avoiding his gaze.

"Ahem...le-lets eat our breakfast. I-I am hungry." I let out my words hurriedly.

He moved a bit forward and put a morsel of food in front of my mouth. I ate it and carelessly laid down my head on his chest, while he kept feeding me like a toddler and also ate along with me.

Like this, we did our breakfast comfortably in silence.

"Where are others?" I asked him once I was done with my food.

"Everyone is ordered to come in midday, not before that,"

I just nodded my head and drank the water as he put the glass filled with water in front of my mouth.

"I never knew my wife is a kinky freak!!
How do you get to know about the daddy stuff n all?"

He asked me so unexpectedly, that I choked on my water and started coughing hysterically.

His body tensed and he started rubbing my back while patting it a few times.

"I-I am fine," I said once I calmed down.

"Goddammit!! Can't you for once take care of yourself?" he half yelled at me and wiped the tears that were flowing from my eyes.

"You Okay?" he asked while looking at me with concern and softness in his eyes.

"I-I am fine," I said while nodding my head and tucking the strand of hair behind my ear.

"A-about your pre-previous question !!
Umm...My girl-girlfriends used to talk about these a lot and also teased me a lot too af-after our wedding. I-I like the idea of all these and wanted to try them with my husband soo....."

I confessed while looking down at my lap. My whole face was burning with embarrassment.

A deep chuckle left his mouth while his soft lips dropped on my forehead causing me to sigh contently.

"Remind me to invite your girlfriends for dinner sometime.
For now, let's get cleaned hmm."

He said while carelessly rubbing my waist.

I just nodded my head and was ready to get up from his lap when he stopped my movement and again carried me like a toddler to our room.


Published on - 22.01.2023.

Thank you everyone for being so patient and lovely.

I appreciate it.

The next update is on the way *fingers crossed*

Till then,
Stay safe and be happy


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