I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 4~

Start from the beginning

"Huh? Are we going to watch the whole series or something," Baji asked as he turned to Chifuyu. "I mean we could." Takemichi looked up, "What are you guys going to wa-" he looked at the TV, "-Are you sure about that one?" Chifuyu looked at him with an innocent smile. "Yes, why? What's wrong with it?" "Nothing... Just carry on." Takemichi looked back at his book, but as the movie started he couldn't help but peek a bit.

The scene when the T-Rex was attacking the jeep showed up and Takemichi just happened to see it. He flew underneath the blanket, similar to a cat, and hid on Baji's lap. He was shaking a whole lot, as he had just seen children screaming and the window of the car falling in, and Baji was rubbing his back trying to comfort him.

"It's alright Take... I'm here," he whispered to him softly. "T-the kids are okay," Takemichi asked with a tremble. "Yes Take the kids are alright see?" Takemichi poked his out of the blanket and saw the kids safe with 'Alan Grant', "You feel better now?" "Y-yeah. Thanks Kei," Takemichi said and gave Baji a kiss. Chifuyu wanted one too... That's why he did this afterall. It would also be a lie to say that Kazutora wasn't jealous at all.

Takemichi decided that he wasn't going to watch the movie with them anymore, so he went to the little room behind the couch. Chifuyu, although still felt jealous, felt bad about what he had done and followed him. 

"Hey," Chifuyu said, going into the room. "Oh hi Chi," Takemichi said and  Chifuyu sat beside of him. "Sorry." "It's not your fault!-" Takemichi was cut off by Chifuyu giving him a kiss. "I-I knew you were afraid of dinosaurs and I still put it on... I just wanted a kiss," Chifuyu said. "YOU DUMMY," Takemichi yelled and hit him with a pillow. "OW," Chifuyu screamed. "You guys alright," Kazutora asked, peeking his head through the doorway. "Yeah. Chi's being soft-" "-AM NOT!" Takemichi hit him again and Chifuyu sat on him after pushing him to the ground. "Who's soft now?" "Get off! I'm not the one who acted like an idiot! You know you could've just asked me or have just kissed me!" "Oh..." Chifuyu got off him, he did not think of that.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" Chifuyu asked nervously. "Sure," Takemichi said as he peered his head out from the book. "This might be a sensitive topic but... you aren't really that strong. You said you've been in foster care and all right? Does that have to do with it?" Takemichi froze. "It does," he said. Chifuyu turned away from Takemichi, afraid to look him in the eyes. "C-can I ask what happened there?" "You can," Takemichi said going closer toward him. "But look at me this time alright?" He turned Chifuyu around. "Go on now." "Well, what happened there, while you were in foster care." Takemichi whispered in his ear and Chifuyu went to tears.

"All is good though, believe me. There's no need to cry about past times." Chifuyu hugged him tightly, "Chi. I'm fine."

You might be wondering what he whispered in Chifuyu's ear? Well normally I'd tell you but maybe I'd like to leave you on a cliffhanger this time... Obviously it was about his past life before the Kawata family and it was sad enough to put Chifuyu to tears, so what could it be? Could you try to take a guess maybe?

"Does anyone else know?" "Hmm, maybe this boy... and his friend... I can't remember the names. Him and another, they were my childhood friends, but I lost them one day." Takemichi grabbed a picture. "This is them," Takemichi said. Chifuyu flew off Takemichi in shock, "Woah! IZANA?!" "Wait yeah! That's him! How did you know," Takemichi asked in surprise. "He... is our way out, my secret from before. The plan remember?" Takemichi took his phone, "Can I talk to him?" "Sure if he answers." Takemichi typed the number and the ringtone began to play.

"Hello," Izana answered. The face camera was on, but Takemichi hadn't revealed his face just yet. "Where are you? Chifuyu?" Takemichi revealed himself, "Hello... old friend." "Take-ni," Izana said. "Did you text me that? The message." Izana looked at him again, he had been looking at someone else, "Ah yes, that was me and you so rudely blocked me," he said. "Sorry Izana-ni, I had no idea it was you. How is Kaku-ni doing?" Kakucho then appeared in the camera, "Great Take-ni, i'm glad to see you again." Takemichi pushed Chifuyu, he was trying to get the phone back, but Chifuyu got on him and stole it back, "Sorry about that Izana," Chifuyu said. "Get off! You're killing me here!"

I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? (Bajikazufuyutake)Where stories live. Discover now