Chapter 3- catching feelings

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Scaramouche POV

"So how is the school son?" My mother asked me, "Well.. it's alright, i made many new friends i suppose?" She looked at me with a smile and put some pancakes on my plate. "That's nice that you got friends. I just hope no one recognized you yet." She sat down on the chair and ate her pancakes i began to eat mine too. "Uh it already happend.. but he isn't like other fangirls or fanboys, rather a calm one you could say. He doesn't stalk me in the hallways like the other fans do. He's a nice and polite boy." I said to her, she looked up at me with a smirk on her face? "Why are you staring at me so weirdly? Did i say something wrong?" "No you didn't Kunikuzushi, it's just lovely to see that you talk about that boy, who's i think ur friend right?" I nodded and her smirk turned into a smile. "Well i'm glad you made real friends this time, not some online friends who almost found out ur location and wanted to kidnapp you." "Can we please stop talking about them?" Oh sorry haha" she chuckled and i just continued eating my pancakes. After some time i was done and went into my room again laying down on my bed. 'What Heizou is up to right now?' I thought and continued to look at some random shit on my phone. Suddenly i got a message from Xiao my one classmate from Geography class. He send me a tiktok from Heizou!? Hold on what. How did he even find Heizous Tiktok account.. well i suppose i could check his videos out. I scrolled through some videos from him, and some were funny and some were a little interesting. An hour later i was bored and i didn't know what to do, so i decided to take a walk outside and maybe draw something on my way somewhere. As i was walking down the road i spotted Heizou talking with uh i think Kazuha was his name, i watched them talking for awhile before Heizou saw me and called me over. "Hey Scara! What are you doing here?" Heizou asked me, "Well i was bored at home so i decided to take a walk outside and get some fresh air." "Ah yeah.. the fine breeze from the wind is really refreshing." Said Kazuha with a smile. "Anyway do you guys wanna go to the new opened bubble tea shop?" Both me and Kazuha looked at Heizou and agreed. We all three then went to the bubble tea shop and were greeted by a light blue haired man. "Ah welcome to the Kamisato bubble tea shop, how can i serve you?" Kazuha and Heizou looked with stars in their eyes at the different bubble tea types. "There are so many types of bubble teas, that i don't know wich one i should chose.." said Heizou, "I know right? It's very difficult." Replied Kazuha to Heizou. After some minutes the two finally ordered a bubble tea and so did i. I got a Strawberry bubble tea while Heizou got a Mango one and Kazuha a Vanilla one. We then sat down on a table and enjoyed our drinks and chats with eachother. "Say Scaramouche, don't you as a famous model have a Girl- or Boyfriend?" Kazuha asked me. "Uhh why should i? I mean some of my fans are really attractive but they're not my type, so no i don't have either a Girl- nor Boyfriend." I replied to him and continued to drink my Boba. "Ah i see. Well have you ever thought of dating someone?" "Okay, Kazuha stop. What's with all these questions.. are you inlove with me or something?" He looked at me with a concerned face. "No i'm not. Can't i ask simple questions about ur love life?" He said while i just rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah... to answer your question, no i never thought of dating someone and never will be." I replied to him. "Ah I see, sorry about asking you those weird questions but I just don't know how to start conversations." He apologized and i just said it was fine and that he needn't worry about it.

| Timeskip: At Heizous house|

Heizou POV

After we left the Boba shop we went to my house and hung out there. "Wow Heizou... your home is really beautiful.." Scaramouche said looking around the house. "Do you have any siblings?" He asked. "First: Thank you, i appreciate that and second yes i do have a little sister." I said walking to him, "And i also live here with my cousins so if you hear screaming then that's her.." I added. We both went into my room before i realized that i still had all Posters and fan articles from Scara in my room. "..You really are a big fan if me, huh?" He said nervously looking around the room. "I- uhm yes haha.." I said embarrassed, he just sat on my bed and then laid down. "I'm so fucking tired.." "Why's that?" I walked up to my bed and sat down looking at him. "Well, i didn't get enough sleep because of my moms..." he said groaning. "Ah i see, if you insist you can sleep for some minutes in my bed." "Wait really?" He looked at me suprised. "Yeah! Just go ahead, i'll go make us some snacks." He nodded and laid down on my bed, i watched him for a bit and then decided to go downstairs to get us some snacks and drinks. After i've got everything i went back upstairs into my room to find a sleeping Scaramouche on my bed. 'He really is cute..' i thought and placed the snacks + drinks on my desk. I then walked to my bed and sat down next to the sleeping Scaramouche. 'Wish i could finally tell you the truth my Angel, but i can't let myself do it.. not yet at least' I watched him sleep for some minutes and even hours that i totally forgot what time it is. "Heizou...?" I heard someone call for me. "Yes?" I replied. "Why are you staring at me.." I began to blush and hid my face. "I uhm...sorry, you just slept so peaceful and i couldn't stop myself from looking at you.." I said to him he just looked at me confused but laid down again and made himself comfortable on my bed. "Can i... stay with u for the night?" He asked, "Uhm sure why not. But why exactly?" "No reason.." he just said and laid back down, i stared at him with confusion. A few minutes later after thinking i decided to go to bed too and laid next to Scaramouche. As i laid down he came closer to me and laid his head down on my chest also cuddling me, i began to blush and just let him stay like this for the time. 'He's so pretty and cute at the same time... how i wish i could be his boyfriend... but i don't even know if he's gay or bi.. and i can't just ask him about his sexuality or he gets that i'm into him..' I thought and looked at him. 'How peaceful he is..' I began to stroke his hair gently and boy it was soft.
"I love you Scara.. and nothing will change my love for you.." I said quietly. I knew he was asleep and couldn't hear me but i just had to say it. "I love you too.. Heizou.." Came from the other boy, my eyes widened and i looked at him with shock. "Wait what..?" I mumbled as answer but he didn't say anything back... 'Was he just dreaming? No, then why would he dream of me... or did he just say it as a joke....   did he even mean it?' Many thoughts were in my head but i decided to brush them off and just go to sleep.



oh and btw pls check out my irl friends fanfic: aaaaabcjidnd

That's it for today, sry if the chapter is short i have school tmr and had to make it quick so i can get some rest.

Bye bye now my beautiful readers!! 😘😘

Words: 1440

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