Chapter 4: The Mortal Glass

Start from the beginning

"So why can't I see anything?" asked Severus.

"I'm guessing that there is no one you love left alive in the mortal world." replied Sirius sadly, "They're all dead."

"They?" asked Severus.

"Surely you loved more than one person?" asked Sirius.

"My parents never truly cared for me, so I was bitter to them and my fellow Death Eaters, I lost all respect for as they willingly and proudly served the man who murdered the only person I ever did love." said Severus, his eyes turned down to the floor, not wishing to meet Sirius'.

"Lily." said Sirius.

"Yes." said Severus with aggravation in his voice.

"So if you love Lily, why ignore her? Shut her out? Waste away in your dungeons, in Heaven?" asked Sirius.

"I'm in Hell." replied Severus, "And I have nothing to do with Lily. She's happy with Potter, she was happy to leave me in fifth year and HE was happy to ruin my life forever. So I'm sorry if I choose to waste away and I can't see anyone in this Glass. I only love Lily, but she doesn't love me."

"She is not happy without her best friend, you are not in Hell and she does love you, as a friend and more." said Sirius.

"Oh, so you're backing up Potter's lie? You two are just the same as ever, Black-"

Sirius cut in. "I'm not lying, nor is James. And what I want to know is, how you could not love Harry. He may be James' son, but more importantly, he is Lily's too. He has her eyes and kindness."

"Her eyes, yes. Her kindness, no." said Severus, "Too much like his father."

"He respects you, Severus." said Sirius.

"What?" asked Severus, certain that he misheard.

"You've only been dead for a few days now and Harry has already done so much for you. He has made sure your portrait hangs in this office back in the mortal world, he has made sure everyone knows that Severus Snape was the bravest man known to the Wizarding World." declared Sirius.

Severus could not believe he was hearing this. He wouldn't believe that Harry Potter would respect him after all their hatred and resentment towards each other. He knew Harry would know the truth of Severus' past, but he never believed Harry would respect and care for him.

"I don't believe you, Black." said Severus plainly.

"If you did, would you care for Lily's son?" asked Sirius.

"Well, I'd like him to be safe, as I have worked hard for it for Lily's sake." admitted Severus.

"Just believe in Harry, Severus." said Sirius, "Look into the Mortal Glass again. And then tell me that Harry doesn't respect you and that you don't care for or even love the child of Lily Pott-"

"Don't call her THAT!" shrieked Severus.

"It's her name, Severus." sighed Sirius, "You need to accept it."

"Never!" said Severus. He tried to leave the room, but Sirius came between him and the door.

"You need to accept what Lily chose, Severus. And just because she loves James, doesn't mean she doesn't love you. I'm not lying. And Harry does respect you. Look in the Glass, Sev."

"Don't call me that." said Severus, and he wished for his wand and it appeared. He used a spell to blast Sirius out of the way and ran out, away from the Glass and office.

Sirius got up, and was livid. He wanted to pursue Severus and hurt him back, but knew neither James nor Lily would want that. He knew he had failed to convince Severus, and now he would have to tell his friends about this failure.

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