Start from the beginning

"Come in," father spoke from the inside. We took a deep breath before opening the door and entering.

Father looked up to us, with a smirk and folding his arms." Well, what a pleasant surprise to see you... Killian." Father said."Good morning, my lord." Killian said, bowing his head

"Well then, why are you two here?" Father asked, smiling. I looked at Killian, slightly confused, and he cleared his throat." I uhm... I mean we uhh need th-the book." I stuttered slightly." Hmmm... I believe you're talking about 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 book. Am I correct?" Father asked.

Killian nodded. "Before I give you it..." Father began. Oh no, he's starting again."Who told you that you can have a relationship with my son." Father asked. Killian's eyes widened.

"W-We are not i-in a relationship." Killian lied. Father then took his view away from him to look at me. "Hmm... And what did you tell me, Lucius?" He asked slowly and not taking his eyes away from me.

I took a deep breath before answering him." I said..." I began not knowing if I should lie or tell the truth. If I tell the truth, he will question killian's statement, but I lie.. What would his reaction be? There is only one way to find out. "You said?" He questioned, smiling more. Even if he's not as bad as before. He still kills me inside sometimes.

"I... We're not in love!" I exclaimed, and they both looked at me. "We're not?" Killian questioned."PFFFFFFSSSSTT HAHAHAH AHHHHH AHAHAHA,"Father laughed.

"Both of you are terrible liars. I knew you'd fail my test." Father laughed. Hmmm... He is not mad."You never fail to make me laugh. Anyways, you were here because?" He asked.

"But before we get to that part, I want you to know one thing." Father said. "Which is?" Killian asked. Father Gaines his smile again." I believe it's too early to make this request, but then again... at least both of you should know what I want." He said.

"What do you want?" I asked." I would like to have about three... grandchildren from you." He said. "We're not ready to be parents." Killian said."You'll get used to it." He said.

"Yes. We will have children as long as you do not force us to have them quickly. Now could you please give us the book." I begged. "Hmmm... no." Father answered.

"Why, no?" Killian asked. I'm sure by now, Germaine, Oliver, and Charles are tired of waiting. " I just don't want to." Father said, smiling.

"Pleaseeeee. We need it! I can even do anything just for you to give us the book, " I begged again." Fine. Take it but promise me you'll bring it back." Father said.

We nodded and left his office. Killian closed the door and sighed." Your father is such a bas(BEEP) sometimes." He complained.

I laughed at his statement since it's true." Just do what he wants, and you'll be fine." I told him as we walked back to my bedroom.

"Well... what did I miss when I was gone?" Killian asked, breaking the silence between us. "A lot of things." I answered. "Like?" He asked again." Hm... getting trapped in my dreams, dealing with family problems, meeting new people, and strange events happening mostly at night." I said.

"I would have lost my mind if I were you." Killian joked, which made me laugh." I missed you." I told him." I missed you too. I'm glad I'm back." Killian said, holding my hand.

"So what happened on your side?" I asked." Not much, but Ruby is coming back from her mysterious trip. She sent a letter." He said. His sister is coming back? Well, she is the first princess to make her own rules, not wear dressing and be adventurous.

I always wanted to be like her. I found her amusing and brave. I always loved how she could change herself to look like a sweet, innocent girl, then change right after to be the opposite.

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