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"RIKI, RIKI, RIKI" Jake ran to niki like he just saw a demon, niki looked at him very confused.

"What's wrong? Take a deep breath.. Wait.. DID YOU SAW A DEMON??" Niki looked shocked as he said that.

"What? NO! That's not the point.. I saw Sunoo and Jungwon talking earlier today." Jake said as he catches breath.

"So what..? They are just talking, best friends things you know" niki said as he set up his guitar.

"LET ME EXPLAIN! So since I saw Sunoo and Jungwon earlier, I heard Jungwon asked Sunoo if he's suspicious about ‘niki and riki’ I feel like Sunoo knows about your secret. I am not sure though." Jake said. Niki's face went from smiling to shocked.

"Are you sure Jake hyung?? They aren't talking about someone else??" Niki said shaking Jake's body.

"Okay stop. And I'm 100% sure that I heard you're name in that conversation." Jake answered.

"Nevermind what I said yesterday. Niki's disguise is dumb." Jay said out of no where.

"Uh well okay! I don't know what to do if he found out. What if he thinks that I'm a weirdo for covering myself up?? WHAT DO I DOO!!!" Niki said while his hands is on his hair.

"Okay chill first atleast, just think positive, just pretend you never heard what he said" Sunghoon said smiling while touching Niki's shoulder.

"But, why are you panicking so much? It's just Sunoo, no one special." Jay said confused.

"Well dumbass! It's called young love" Jake being proud of what he said.

"Oh right, okay move on move on" Jay said scratching his head.

"Well, what Sunghoon said, just think positive I guess..??" Jake said confused for the younger.

"Well I am, Jay hyung is ruining it" Niki said. Jay looked at Niki making this face "😒🤨".

"Out of all of us in here, why me??" Jay said in defeat.

"You just looks like a person who totally ruined everyone vibes." Niki said laughing.

"You- COME BACK HERE!" Niki ran and jay just tryna catch Niki.



"AHH" Jay screamed.

"Hehe sorry, I didn't meant to scare you like that" He said giggling.

"Yeah yeah whatever, what do you want?" Jay asked in "🤨" face.

"I see that you like Jay too, so I thought we could be friends!" The guy answered smiling.

"Oh, sure then. What's you're name?" Jay asked, jay thought he could make some friends just because they like him.

"I'm jungwon! Nice to meet you, what's yours?" Jungwon smiled as he said that.

"Ah I see, you're Sunoo's bestfriend right?" Jay asked, jungwon looked confused how'd he know about that.

"Eh, how did you know?" Jungwon asked confused.

"Oh, you know about that Niki guy.. I'm his bestfriend, and I know Sunoo is his roomie, and I saw him hanging out with you every day, is that correct?" Jay answered. Jungwon thought that he was just a normal friend he'd make. But I guess not.

"That's correct! So what's your name?" Jungwon asked again since he didn't catch jay's name.

"Oh um I'm, jongseong, you can just call me jo for short." Jay said. Jay said in mind ‘ fuck why did I go with my real name ’

"That's cool! Nice to meet you jo!" Jungwon shakes jay's hands.

Jay shakes jungwon hands back, but jungwon was way energized that day.


Special jaywon chapter just because I miss them 😋 sorry if there's any typos. I'll make another chapter as fast as I can so I can complete this one~

𝙈𝙮 𝙍𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧 🎸 || SunkiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora