When Mk arrived at the noodle shop, Mei ran up to him and hugged him "Mk! You're back! I've been waiting forever!" Mei placed him down.

"Hey kid. How was training today?" Pigsy asked. "It was great! And tiring too, i fell asleep after..." he laughed.

"Oh, what are we gonna do with you Mk? Falling asleep at training!" Pigsy exclaimed with sarcasm in his voice as Tang laughed. "Oh, Pigsy, don't be too hard on him. He saved the world after all, he's going to be tired." Tang explained. Mk walked over to Mei and sat down.

"So... your training ended earlier than usual. What's with that?" She asked. "Monkey king said he, 'had somewhere to be'. I think he went to hang out with Macaque, though." Mk said. Mei squealed.

"Monkey king and Macaque hanging out! Now THIS is news!" She shouted. "Pigsy walked over to the two of them and placed down two bowls of noodles. "Mk, your boyfriend came over today." Pigsy said. Tang giggled and Mk looked over to him.

"Wait, why? I told him I was gonna be training today." He asked.

"He came and got some noodles. He also asked how you were doing and when you were coming home." He explained. "And?" Mk asked.

"And he should be here in 3...2...1..." Pigsy counted down. As soon as he said one, There was a giant flame right infront of the door. When it extinguished, Redson was standing there. He looked around the shop and waved to everyone. When he saw Mk, his eyes lit up. He ran over to him and hugged him. Mk smiled.

"Hi, Red! How have you been?" Mk asked. Red looked up and smiled. "I've been good. How are you, Mk?"

"I've been great." Mk answered. Pigsy walked over and placed a bowl of Dandan noodles infront of Redson. "Thank you, sir." Redson said.

"Please just call me pigsy. Also, you're welcome." Pigsy laughed and walked over to where tang was sitting. Red and Mk had been dating for a while now. It was relieving to Everyone that Mk found someone who he can talk to.

"Oh yeah, Mk. Im gonna be going out of town for a while." Mei said, her mouth full of food. "Oh? Why?" Mk asked. "Oh you know, family stuff. My parents wanna take me to visit my relatives." She explained.

"Oh, okay! I hope you have fun. Are you leaving tomorrow?" Mk asked. "Yep, at 8. So i wont see you until a week later." Mei said.

"Well, that is okay. I hope you have fun." Redson said, taking a bite of his noodles. Mk put his hand on his head. "Nnghh..." Redson looked over to him.

"Are you okay, Mk?" He asked. "Yeah im fine. I just have a headache..." Mk said.

"You can go to bed now if you'd like." Redson explained. Mk nodded. "Im probably gonna do that. Im a little tired." He said.

Mk kissed Redson's face before getting up from his chair. Redson's hair flared up a bit. Mk giggled and waved goodbye to everyone.

. . . .

As Mk was brushing his teeth, he realized his cuspid teeth looked sharper than usual. He brushes it off, thinking that they were always like that. He lied down on his bed and turned off the lamp.

He had to toss and turn a bit to get comfortable, but eventually fell asleep.

Mk awoke, in a dark room. He was lying in water. He sat up and looked around. There was a figure infront of him.

"Hello, Qí Xiǎotiān. I have been waiting for you." The figure said in a deep voice, echoing all around him. Mk was taken aback.

"How do you know my real name?" Mk asked. The figure smiled and walked closer to him. He noticed his hair looked like his own, but he had a tail and ears of... a monkey?

"Because i AM you, silly! Or, I WILL be you, at least. There's a few things i need to take care of first, starting with you!" The figure said. He jumped into the sky, and the room that was once black turned bright gold. Mk was raised into the air infront of the figure.

The figure made a ball of power in his hands and pushed it into Mk's chest. The figure was absorbed into this light as it sorrounded Mk's body. His body glowed white, and a tail and ears formed. Then everything was black again.

. . . .

Mk sat up quickly and looked around. It was just a dream. He got up and checked the time. 8:30 AM. He walked to his over to his bathroom and walked in.

He looked in the mirror and stared at his reflection. It took him a few seconds to realize something was wrong. He looked normal... except for the fact he had... fur? And a tail... he was a...a monkey?

He screamed so loud pigsy and tang heard from downstairs. He heard running up the stairs and his apartment door burst open.

"KID! What's wrong?!" Pigsy shouted before seeing what happened. Tang and Pigsy's mouths dropped as Mk turned to them, with tears in his eyes and monkey-like features.


Bro, Monkie Kid season 4 made me a MK KINNIE- anyway, this story is gonna be FULL of MK torture ro make up for the PAIN they put us through in season 4-

anyway, there are something in here i had to look up. So here u go :D

Dandan noodles: spicy Chinese noodles with a dark sauce that usually contains preserved vegetables, chili oil, minced pork (halfbakedharvest.com)

Qí Xiǎotiān: His name in the Chinese dubs is Qí Xiǎotiān, while in the English dub he simply goes by the initials MK, aligning with his superhero alias. (tvtropes.org)

Hope u enjoyed this :D

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