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Hey! My name's Love.
And, according to the judge, I'm a thief.
Just because I stole hearts.

Before, I was wearing weird clothes and behind rusty bars. But I managed to escape.
I had to change it up a little bit.
I dyed my hair red and wear green contact lenses.
Now I'm at a masquerade ball, dancing in a beautiful dress that shimmers in the light.

I went up on stage and started my work, that I love so much.

"I'm just shining, I'm just singing and I hope to die!
I'm just dancing, I'm just shining and stealing hearts.
Kiss me, Kiss me, so you'll love me.
Let me steal your heart, let's make a fair exchange. You give me your heart and I'll kiss you"

Well, I've finished my work.
There are girls and boys crying, clutching their bloody chests.

My ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang