The little moments (28)

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The next day I woke up early to my mom screaming my name. "Y/N!!" I heard as I woke up. I walked downstairs "Shawn's here" she said and smiled, then turned her head towards the living room. Shawn was building some lego set with my brother. "Hey baby." I said and kissed his cheek. "Hi honey!" He said then turned his head to kiss me normally. "Y/n!! Look at the legos!" My brother said to me as I sat down on the floor next to them. "I love them." I said to him and laughed slightly. "I brought them here this morning since his birthday is tomorrow!" Shawn said tickling my brother. "Speaking of that, Shawn can we go talk for a minute please" I said and smiled. "Yeah of course" he said to me. Then we walked out of the room and into the hallway. "Shawn will you be here tomorrow for his birthday?" I asked Shawn. "Yeah of course I will! I love that kid." Shawn said and laughed. "Ok perfect.. so in that case can you go shopping with me and help me set up tomorrow ?" I said in a begging tone. "I guess." Shawn said jokingly rolling his eyes. "Ok let's go get stuff now, come on." I said and grabbed his hand. "Babe. You are still in pajamas" Shawn then replied, slightly laughing. "Oh yeah you are right." I said and laughed, then ran up to change and brush my hair, then came back down. "Ready?" Shawn said and laughed. "Yes finally" I responded then walked out the door.


Shawn stayed the night so we could get up early and decorate, we snuck downstairs without waking my brother, and started putting up all the decorations. "Baby this is boring." Shawn said and grabbed my waist from behind while I was decorating. "Turn some music on or something then. We have to finish this." I said and giggled. "We have to do this now? It's 6 am." He said and kissed my neck. "Later?" He then added, kissing my neck again. "Shawn. Stop it. Go turn music on." I said and moved his head. "Fineeeee" he responded and went to turn the radio on. "Care to dance with me ?.. darling?" He said and looked at me, holding his hand out. "Of course" I said and laughed then placed my hand in his. We slow danced around my living room for a little while, not saying anything, just holding each other. It felt nice. Once the song was over Shawn stopped dancing and looked at me. "You make me feel weird." Shawn said. "What do you mean?" I was a bit confused. "Yk, weird. Like I love you. And it makes me feel weird. I'm not used to it. No matter how long we date the feeling never fades it just grows." Shawn said. "You never fail to amaze me with your words Shawn Hunter." I said to him, then turned around to decorate. "Sounds like a me thing" he said and laughed then kissed my cheek "We have to finish this before my brother wakes up in an hour." Shawn looked disappointed when I said this. "Ugh fine, it's so boring though." He said and rolled his eyes. "Mmm I know, I know." I then kissed him.

The little moments make me extremely happy.

This is mostly a filler chapter because I haven't wrote something for a while LMAOO also I didn't proofread this so I'm sorry if some stuff doesn't make sense

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