Chapter 23- 1 Day Left

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The morning lights caved in, Lizzie Sat awake in her room asking her self why did this have to happen. Why Did she end up in the same place she was before zen arrived, Lizzie continued crying for the past few hours.

Mama J eventually made her presence appear, but Lizzie just shut her down.
Lizzie didn't want to see anybody right now, she wanted to be alone drowning in all of her thoughts. Mama J asked if Lizzie wanted to have breakfast, but it just broke down Lizzie more because usually she doesn't eat breakfast, but whenever zen would cook something for them for breakfast she would always be up to eat anything zen makes.

Lizzie eventually let out some words, "No mom I don't want to" That's all she said, Her voice raspy and croaky from all the crying she was in. Mama J let her be, she didn't wanna push her baby girl knowing that she's experiencing some deep damage.


Lizzie's pov-

Why does it always have to be me? I cried endlessly, my eyes are all puffed out, tear stains visible on my cheeks.

I don't understand why do they have to move out, when they just moved in a couple months ago. I don't want zen to move out, I wouldn't know what to do if she left me.

Should I go to her? Or should I just stay in my room until she maybe went to me instead?

So many thoughts and questions flood my mind at the same time, that I just decided to go to her and let her explain why she's moving out.


I got ready and wore a simple outfit, just a black t-shirt with some sweatpants. I opened my door for the first time since yesterday, I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs.

My mom greeted me, and I just nodded telling her that I'm gonna talk to zen Wich she responded with a smile.

I went out the door and walked forward toward zen's house, I got to the front and was about to knock until.... She opened the door.

I was stood there frozen.

I'm sure I look like I just saw a ghost from my nightmares.


Zen's pov-

I was flabbergasted to see Lizzie standing there at my front door.
With how we ended the day yesterday I didn't think that she would show up here so I got the idea to go to her instead.

I know I hurt her badly, so I wanted to atleast muster up my courage and apologize and explain to her.

This plan will probably not work but it's still a chance to try and work things out....Right?

I made the first move since she looked like she just saw a monster from her nightmares or something.

"Uhm Hi Liz" I awkwardly welcomed her, "H-hi zen" My expression instantly turned to worried hearing her voice so hoarse.

She must've been crying all night, poor Lizzie.

Well since she's ready here I just let her come in the house, I went in too and closed the door.

There's this feeling being with her in here before I leave, it's like something pulling me into her telling me to not go.
Telling me to stay with her, telling me to never leave her. Seeing her in this state made my heart ache, I just stare at her not knowing what to do.

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