it's just a freezing memory

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Cold, he felt cold, cold and weak, that's all that Meikai could feel, he could feel the cold artic wind in his skin, especially in his open wounds, which soaked his clothes with blood, making the icy sensation feel even worse.

"h-how did I end up like this...?" Meikai tried to remember the circumstances, but his memory was hazy, with entire voids where important events should be, his brain was seemingly more occupied in keeping him alive than to remember what left him in such a deplorable state.

He breathed, heavily, in out, in out, every time he inhaled his chest felt like it was going to explode from the inside and when he exhaled, it felt like it was going to cave in, the wizard was sure that his ribs were broken, but his body was still trying to keep itself alive, even if doing that caused him unimaginable amounts of pain...

The wizard tried to move his arm, trying to maybe find a way to get off the ground, or at least to put himself in a more "comfortable" position, but when he tried to move his arm, it didn't budge, he was so weak that he could barely make his fingers twitch a bit, f that was the state that his arms were in, then his legs probably weren't better.

Meikai stared at the sky, it was a beautiful night, the stars shined brightly against the dark blue background, dots of light in the vast darkness of space. They made the wizard happy, but at the same time they reminded him of his home, the sea, a place as blue and vast as the cosmos itself, it also had its own stars, but those stars made him remember bad memories, of loneliness, of sadness, of pain... of loss.

Loss... the wizard closed his eyes for a second, he was starting to remember something, not about how he ended up in this situation, no, something happier, he remembered sitting in a beach, right beside the shore, staring at the same starry sky that he was now lying under, the only difference was the moon, shining with its calming silvery light, making the night slightly brighter. He wasn't alone in that memory, by his side there was another person, a woman, her long white haired shining with the same way as the moon, like she was some personification of its light, Meikai inched his hand closer to the lady's, closer and closer until they both touched, her skin was warm and soft , softer that anything he ever felt, the lady reciprocated, doing the same thing with the wizard's hand, the young wizard turned his head to look at her, she did the same, they stared at each other for a couple minutes, seemingly entranced by eachother . Meikai couldn't remember the exact details of his companion's face, it was such a long time ago that all memories of her were now a blur, but he could remember the loving warmth that her smile exuded, in that moment, the whole world didn't matter, everything else didn't matter, it was only the two of them, they got closer to each other, their mouths ready to make contact and finally make this moment one of the happiest of both their lives, and then...

RED... all he could see was red, crimson red, that crimson color tainting the beautiful silvery white, that crimson color that took away her softness and her warmth, and turning it cold, colder than even the pale snow that he now lied on. Then after that, there were tears, his eyes filled up with the same salt water that made up the ocean he loved so much, tears that shined in the now cold, silver light of the moon, turning them into stars, stars that shined in the endless dark blue...

Meikai opened his eyes again, which were now wet with tears, making them more vulnerable to the freezing winds. "I shouldn't have tried to remember that, god, I'm such an idiot".

Time passed, every minute he could feel himself getting weaker, his skin getting colder and colder, his chest moving up and down more slowly, with larger gaps of time between each inhalation and exhalation, his limbs getting weaker, more so than they already were and his eyes getting heavier, ready to close, seemingly forever.

Cold as ice (WATGBS x Ice Scream)Where stories live. Discover now