His tired gaze follows everyone else's eyes as he notices a shift of atmosphere. Draken's standing at the doors to the chapel, grin on his face a little ominous what with the blood that compliments it. There's a new vigor in his step as he rushes out the doors to take in the vice-commander's work. He feels refreshed as he takes in the scene before him. And when Mikey claims that the Black Dragons are dead and that Toman are the victors, Chifuyu nearly collapses with relief. He turns his attention towards his captain, watching as tears well up in Takemichi's eyes.

"Mission complete!" He blubbers, earning a grin from Chifuyu.

"Damn straight." Chifuyu agrees, gaze going towards the rest of the gang as they join them on the stoop overlooking the decimated remains of the Black Dragons.


You're just pulling the chicken out of the oven when your phone buzzes on the table. You raise a brow at the device before grabbing it. Mikey's name is on the screen, causing your heart to leap into your throat. Mikey never uses his damn phone. It births a strange paranoia inside of you. You unlock the device so that you can read the message.

'Come outside.'

It's simple enough. You let go of a shaky breath before you make your way to the front once again. Grabbing your coat and slipping your feet into your boots, you make you way towards the railing that looks out into the parking lot. Your gaze widens as you take in the two boys talking downstairs. You take off into a run, not wary of the slippery steps as you stomp down them. You've earned both of their attentions, given the rickety sounds the stairs make before you hit the ground floor. To call it a sprint would devalue how quickly you flew towards Chifuyu. The other gasped as he caught you in his arms.

"Why aren't you wearing your coat?" Chifuyu chastises gently.

You don't care for the question, though you do remember losing it after seeing him from the second floor.

"God, if you keep coming back like this, I'm going to have a heart attack." You huff, leaning back and grabbing both of Chifuyu's cheeks.

He winces at the touch, though you don't acknowledge it. You turn his face forcefully, taking in the new scrapes and bruises, clicking your tongue.

"Chifuyu.... You're more scrape than person at this point." You huff out, earning a tiny grin from the blonde. "Are you trying to kill me?" You grumble, letting his face go so that you could hug him again.

You need the warmth to keep another cold from starting. Mikey's got a gentle look on his face. You recognize it as the same one he shows when he watches Emma talk to Draken. It's adoration of some kind, and has your cheeks pinkening. You hope you can play it off as the cold getting to you.

"The foods gonna get cold. C'mon." You mumble, feeling shy in the presence of Toman's leader. "Did you want some fried chicken, Mikey?"

The boy in question shakes his head as he mounts his bike.

"Emma's bound to have something going. She spent the day consoling Hina." He muses.

You're not quite sure what Hina would need consoling about, but you shrug it off to instead focus on the heat of Chifuyu's fingers in your own, hidden by the way you're standing before Mikey. You don't think it'd really bother him, but there's something to be said about enjoying each other in private. There was less issue with people seeing and using your attachment against you as they had in the past.

"Merry Christmas, Mikey."

You pull away from Chifuyu, wrapping Toman's commander in a quick hug that he returns with one arm. He smiles lazily at you before he starts his bike and takes off down the street. You hope that one day, that look of adoration he shows when he thinks no one is paying attention is something that someone reciprocates for him. Chifuyu comes up behind you, taking your hand and leading you towards the apartment building. You smile at him, squeezing his fingers as you follow him up those creaky stairs. The second you get inside, you're happy to shut the cold behind you. Chifuyu goes into him room, coming out mere seconds later with a hoodie. He hands it to you before stepping into his bathroom to take stock of the damage. You pull Chifuyu's hoodie on, following after him. He's already sitting on the counter, tired, turquoise eyes pinned on the kit of medical supplies sitting beside him. He gives you a sheepish smile, earning a roll of your eyes.

"Are you gonna tell me about it?" You ask, running the tap over some cloth so you could wipe at the dried blood that stained his face.

"All you need to know is that we won." Chifuyu offers you a cute enough smile that you're willing to forgive his lack of information; after all, it is Christmas.

You find more cuts than you would have liked, covering them with bandaging to keep the wounds from getting infected. The food is keeping warm in the oven. You hope it isn't too dry when you actually get to it. Chifuyu's showing Pey attention as she's pounced onto the counter next to him. Eventually, you manage to leave the bathroom, new cuts and bruises taken care of before you are able to take the chicken out of the oven.

"Sorry... It's probably nasty, dry." You state, rolling your nose at the pan you set on the table.

Chifuyu ignores you and plucks a piece off the tray, bringing it straight to his mouth. He chews a couple times before his entire face brightens up.

"This is amazing." He manages before he grabs another piece.

You blink a couple times before a smile breaks out. Chifuyu's eating like the chicken's a cure for something. The thought alone is enough to make your heart sore. The compliment sets it ablaze.

"Thanks." You blush lightly under the praise before plucking a piece for yourself.


You both end the night lounging in Chifuyu's bed. There's a laptop between the two of you that's playing the Christmas classics. Right now you've got the Rudolf special playing. Your eyes are growing heavy and Chifuyu's hoodie is warm as the Christmas carols lull you to sleep. You'd spent the entire day either worrying, cooking or both. After seeing Chifuyu come home in pretty much in one piece, relief washed away the tension in your body. Now with a full stomach and good company, it was no wonder that you were able to fall asleep without a worry in the world. With both Pey and Yang sleeping at the foot of the bed, you were practically surrounded by what you could, quite shamelessly, refer to as your family. With Chifuyu so close by, no danger in sight to worry either of you, it's no problem for you to close your eyes. There's no guilt as you skip Rudolf's endeavors in favor of resting yourself after running yourself ragged all day worrying about whether Chifuyu was going to be alright. It's only fair that you be able to relax now that you know he's safe and sound. As you drift off, you think you hear Chifuyu murmur Merry Christmas to you, but you can't be entirely sure in your sleep muddled state.

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