Part 3

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Chapter 3:

Chifuyu quickly becomes someone you rely on when your day becomes too much. Eventually, the days you spend at Kei's grave turn into meeting up for lunch or other small things. Your parents stop lingering outside your room to see if you're are crying. Instead, they poke their heads in to check in on you when they hear the lighthearted conversations that have become a norm into the late night. Chifuyu has enough stories to sink a battleship, and when he can't seem to come up with any, you're just as happy to provide your own.

"Don't you have class in the morning?" He asks during one of these late conversations.

You raise a brow at you cellphone, sitting on your desk, speakerphone on.

"Don't you?" You return.

"You have an exam." Chifuyu changes tactics, causing you to roll your eyes.

"I've been studying, promise." You reply, fiddling with your pen so that he can hear it. "You're such a mama hen." You add, amusement in your voice.

"How can you be studying if we've been on the phone for literal hours?"

Chifuyu sounds exasperated, but you can't help but chuckle in response. You hadn't realized how long you'd been on the phone for, but these nights were something of a regular occurrence.

"I'm a woman, multitasking's in my blood." You muse, practically hearing the way he rolls his eyes. "How about this!" You said, instantly earning his attention. "If I get anything below an eighty on the exam, I'll take you to dinner. But, if I get anything above eighty, it's on you." You muse.

There's a noise on the other side of the call which sounds distinctly like Chifuyu dropping his phone on his face. You listen to him curse before recovering his phone.

"If you're that sure about yourself, then why do we need to bet at all?" He grumbles, but you know that you've settled into this bet just fine.

"You'll see Chifuyu, I'mma ace that exam no problem." You produce a peace sign even though you know he can't see it.

"Not if you don't sleep. Go to bed, nerd."

You glance towards you nightstand to catch the hour and blink. Chifuyu was right. Technically speaking, it was already the morning of your exam. You rubbed tiredly at your eyes before shutting your math book.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Kick ass on your exam tomorrow."


Two weeks later and you were clutching a math exam with a red eighty-two scrawled into an equally red circle on the top. You hummed happily as you switched your shoes and slammed your locker closed. You were practically skipping as you made your way out of the building, looking for Chifuyu. Test sheet in hand, you practically floated around the corner right into a warm wall. You would have toppled over if a hand hadn't reach out and grab your wrist.


Blinking, you took in the taller boy before you. You looked over his shoulder, finding the shorter boy you expected to be with him leaning on the fence. As time caught up with you, a horrific feeling washed over you. You could feel the blood draining out of your face.

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