"I think I'm in love with you."

He nearly misses those words as they leave her lips. She's whispered them as if the walls can hear. Maybe they can, but he could care less what their prerogative is when she's said the one thing he's been trying to put into words for weeks. Maybe for the last month. He tightens his grip on her fingers, gaze softening as more tears slip down her rosy cheeks.

"And it scares me." She murmurs, bringing their linked hands closer to her chest. "Because I don't think I could handle it if what happened to Kei... happens to you, Chifuyu... I think I would... just break..." Her voice cracks, and a shudder runs down his spine.

He is just so in love with this girl. This beautiful, brave, emotionally open and loving girl. He wants to pull her into his arms. He wants to coddle her to the point where she feels suffocated. He wants her to know that these feelings of hers are mutual beyond any doubt. He wants her to feel the same way when she sees him. He wants her to think of him as home. Reaching out with his free hand, Chifuyu brushes more tears away from her red rimmed eyes, flopping down on his bed beside her. She's under a plethora of blankets, but he's warm enough in this situation that lying on top of them doesn't bother him. Just holding her hand is enough to keep him warm.

"Whenever I'm out there," He whispers, as if he too, is worried that this moment won't be private unless he keeps his voice quiet. "All I can think about when we're doing something unbelievable so that Takemichi can fix the timeline... Is coming back home, where you are."

Her gaze widens in front of him, bringing a smile to his face. He didn't think he could put his feelings into words, but he thinks that those will do just fine. He can't promise her that he'll come back unscathed, but he can promise her that he's always thinking about coming home after. He can promise her that and know that he'll never be a liar.

"Because I think I'm in love with you too." He adds, just to make sure that she understands.

Her breath hitches before more tears fall. He hopes they're of happiness as she squeezes his hand, both of her hands now clutching at their linked fingers. He hopes that he's managed to put her heart at ease, at least by a little. They stay quiet for quite a while. It takes Chifuyu a while to realized that she's fallen back asleep. She's still clutching at his fingers, so he can't move. He won't complain. Instead, he uses his free arm as a pillow and closes his eyes, fingers snug in hers as his breath evens out.


On Christmas Eve, you have your phone playing English Christmas tunes as you flit around the kitchen in Chifuyu's place. He's not home, though he's promised to get through his business as soon as he can. Now that the two of you have been rather open about your mutual feelings, Chifuyu's shown you a side you weren't expecting him to have. He's quite open with affection. You're not complaining, there's nothing quite like getting an unexpected hug from behind. Chifuyu has always been gentle in everything that he's done with you. It's amusing, to say the least, that a boy that's got himself wrapped up in so much gang violence is able to show such a gentle side of himself to you without any qualms.

Humming gently, you check the food again, worried that you'll burn it. You've told your mum that you and Chi are hanging out. It's getting harder and harder to lie to her. She's also asked when it is that she can meet Chi. That'll be a problem, since Chi isn't the innocent girl you've made her out to be. Rather, Chifuyu is the complete opposite. Then again, if you could just explain to her that Chifuyu has been the only reason that losing Kei didn't spell the end for you. If only you could explain to her that Chifuyu having a connection with Kei helped keep his memory alive. That being able to spend time with any of the captains within Toman's ranks gave you so much joy because they too were lucky enough to have known Kei.

Your gaze falls onto the neatly wrapped gift sitting on the counter. Both Pey and Yang have investigated the new piece, but have since let it be. The scarf you'd spent far too many hours putting together, with Takashi's help, for Chifuyu sits wrapped inside. You can't wait to give it to him. You had wanted to give it to him earlier, but the nagging thought that it'd get ruined in a fight kept you from giving Chifuyu his gift preemptively. It was going to be a long night waiting for Chifuyu to come back...


In hindsight, he totally should have expected Kisaki to backstab him. Really, Baji had warned him months ago that this was possible. Takemichi was just so... trusting. And Chifuyu wanted to believe in that optimism. Of course, while he wanted to believe in Takemichi's overly pure outlook in a dog eat dog world, he wasn't blind.

"I see what you were talking about then."

He huffed out a sigh, pushing himself up and dusting off his uniform. He's got new bruises that are definitely going to make her worry. They're supposed to spend the night together. He knows she's been excited about this night forever. He promised her that he'd take care of his business as fast as he could so that he could go home to her. His mouth waters at the thought of the food she's made him.

"I need to head to the church... I know Hakkai's getting himself into more trouble than necessary."

Chifuyu turns towards his insurance policy, letting out a gentle sigh. He's very glad that he let Mitsuya know about how he and Takemichi had teamed up with Kisaki and his division. It's unfortunate that it ended the way it did, but he's happy that the second division captain had his back in this. Takemichi was busy taking matters into his own hands for a new timeline. Of course Chifuyu had agreed to branch off with Kisaki on his own. In hindsight, it was really one of the stupidest decisions he's ever made. He'd make it again if he thought that Takemichi could change the world with his help.

"Yea. I should go back up my idiot captain." Chifuyu huffs, brushing at the back of his neck.

Exhaustion is nagging at him to go home and collapse on the couch, fried chicken and good company close by. He really hopes he can go back to her soon. He hopes that she isn't worrying about him.

"At least you're one less captain we have to convince..." Chifuyu sighs out, falling into step beside Mitsuya.

The second division captain narrows his eyes out at the opening of the building. He isn't mad at Chifuyu, it's clear in the way he's mentally beating himself up. Chifuyu wishes he wouldn't. Kisaki is fairly well versed in manipulation. Also, it was his job to back up the captains. Kisaki wasn't dumb, he'd planted himself pretty well within Toman's ranks. With Mitsuya's help, hopefully, they can tear him away from being the third division captain. Chifuyu would rather it go back to being Pah-chin's division. He was much less worried about being stabbed in the back when it was like that. All things considered, that's pretty ironic.

"Do you think?..."

Mitsuya's stopped walking. The hairs on the back of Chifuyu's neck stand up as he realized that Mitsuya's putting the pieces together. He can't quite see the picture, but it seems as though Mitsuya is getting close. The panicked look in those lilac eyes are starting to spark dread into his stomach.

"You don't think that he's the one that targeted Baji?"

Chifuyu doesn't know if Mitsuya's talking about her or her brother, but the question's already loaded enough as it is. He feels nausea creeping up his throat.

"We really gotta get to that church." Mitsuya gets out, taking off towards his bike, Chifuyu hot on his heels.

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