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A boy peers off deep into a swamp

Looking a gloomy merky waters he's stars at the dull reflection on the surface.

There's pail light of the moon to illuminate his surroundings.

All he hears around him is the moan and groan of the swamp.

The croaking of frogs, the buzz of flies, shifts of moment in the far distance.

He is lost as he begins to stand and gather himself. Who is he might we ask?

Does he know?

Is he lost in mind or lost in soul. Perhaps both..

The boy stands and proceeds to steady himself with shaky legs and an iron will be begins to transverse the area.

One steady step at a time in almost darkness his mind is racing his heart is pounding

He steps and the Earth gives way to the cold marshy wetlands he struggles to fight. He struggles to breath.

Quick sand deeper and deeper he begins to fall forever in panic for what felt like a lifetime. The boy steadies himself and pulls himself out slowly relaxing his muscles and grabbing a branch...

Suddenly a light appears and as he walks closer and closer towards it everything fades to white.

A true peace washes over him and the calming aurora of spirit fills the air. Never again will be be lost for he has found his truest self.

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