Everyone connected their braids.

Fwew'aya opened her eyes, she was in the forest. She heard footsteps and quickly snapped her neck.


Her tears began falling down not being able to contain them. Neteyam notice running to her and quickly sitting down.

"Why are you crying? Did my idiot brother do something?"

She chuckled at his statement shaking her head.

"No I'm just...happy to see you is all"

Neteyam smiled at her and began to speak.

"I've been thinking, and I think you should just tell Lo'ak how you feel. You only live and love once Aya."

Even dead he thought about everyone else.

"I will neteyam"

He smiled and let out a chuckle

"Then I can call you my sister in law, well I'll just say sister"

Fwew'aya smiled at the statement tears falling harder then before. Knowing he wouldn't be able to actually call her that. She hugged him.

"Thank you neteyam, brother"

He returned the hug

"Always Fwew'aya, sister"

She was back at the spirit tree, undoing her braid as she swam to the surface.

Lo'ak called his Ilu once he reached the surface, allowing Fwew'aya to climb behind him. Her mind on neteyams words.

Little did she know neteyam told Lo'ak something similar.

When they go to shore she began to walk away.

"Wait aya!"

She turned around to look at him, a questioning look on her face. He walked towards her.

"Can I take you somewhere?"

Fwew'aya thought about it for a minute before nodding. She put her hand out as Lo'ak took it and started walking to the forest near the forest. He took her to a spot that looked just like their spot back home.

She was shocked at how similar in looked, but there was a small tree of souls in the middle of the lake on a little island.

She looked at Lo'ak, but he was already staring at her.

"Fwew'aya I have something to-"

"I love you Lo'ak"

He stared into her eyes, making sure she was telling the truth.

"I love you too doll"

She grabbed both his hands, looking back up to him.

"I don't want to keep doing this. Acting like we don't want eachother."

Lo'ak went to speak but nothing came out.

"There's only one life we get, and I want to spend mine with you."

That was it, Lo'ak pulled her hands forward and smashing his lips on hers. He put his hands around her waist as her hands snaked around his neck.

He put his hands on her ass and pulled up, she jumped and put her legs around his waist. He slowly lowered her to the ground, he was on top of her. They separated for air.

"I want to spend my life with you Aya, you will forever be my always"

"My heart beats only for you Lo'ak"

She brought his face back to hers connecting their lips.

It was like they hungered for eachother, the moment they longed for.

Fwew'aya sat up pushing Lo'ak to sit, she straddled his lap. Their lips not separating once. Until Lo'ak pulled back and started kissing her jaw, moving to her neck before she stopped him.

She grabbed her queue looking at him, only love in her eyes.

Lo'ak quickly grabbed his looking at her.

"Are you sure?"

She simply smiled responding with only three words.

"Always have been"

Then they connected their queue together, she instantly shut her eyes at the feeling.

When she opened them she only saw lust on his face.

He pulls her waist to close the gap between them, kissing her neck, going down to her chest.

Removing her top quickly, he stopped, looking at her with admiration.

"You couldn't look more beautiful"

Fwew'aya only thought about how she had fallen for Lo'ak sully. But then again.

Falling for him wasn't falling at all, it was walking into a house and then suddenly knowing your home.

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