"Myah! I wasn't expectin' this kinda selection." Grim exclaimed, his fur on end. "Um, we wanted to buy all the items on this list..." Deuce said, pulling up the list Trey gave us. "Ring up two cans of tuna while you're at it!" Grim smirked.

"No, Grim! We're not here for tuna!" Deuce scolded. "What's this? Cream and eggs and... Quite the sacchariferous list! I'll get everything for you." Sam chimed, a broad smile on his face, walking deep into his store.

"Whoa... He really does stock that stuff, huh?" Deuce asked, turning toward me. "Yeah, I wonder where he gets all of this." I pondered, observing the shelves of unique items.

"Here you go. It's pretty heavy... Are you sure you can carry this? Luckily for you, our 1/100th size flying saucers are 30% off today. Perfect for carrying groceries!" Sam bargained. "Ooh, lemme see! That sounds awesome!" Grim mused. "We're fine, thank you. Let's go, Grim." Deuce said, picking up Grim and holding him from a distance.

"Myah! I didn't realize today was National No Fun Allowed Day!" Grim whined as I picked him up, putting him onto my shoulder. Deuce and I grabbed the groceries. "Very well. Then until next time, my little imps. Do come again! Ciao!" Sam eagerly waved us goodbye.


——"That store was amazing." Deuce smiled. "Yeah, and you're amazingly cheap." Grim insulted, flicking his tail. "Who are you calling cheap?! Hmph. Y/N , looks like you got the bag with all the cans. That must be heavy. Let me take that one. I've got a little trick for carrying heavy bags." Deuce smiled even more. "Sure, but at least let me take a lighter one from you."

Deuce nodded as we exchanged bags. "You're quite the power shopper." I observed with a light chuckle. "Yeah. My mom always used to stock up at sales, and the bags would get ridiculously heavy. I was the only man in the house, so I got to do all the heavy lifting, and- Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to monopolize the conversation." Deuce bashfully apologized, the tips of his ears turning more pink by the second.

"It's great that you helped out around the house." I said. It was true, it's always nice to see people helping out their parents, unless their parents are absolute shit of course. "No, it wasn't like that at all. The truth is, I-Owww!" Deuce was sent flying to the floor, the eggs going down with him.

"Myah! The eggs!" Grim shrieked. "T-the carton of eggs is totally smashed! And now the bag's dripping egg good everywhere." Deuce panicked, noticing the yolk spilled on the floor.

"Ouch! Why don't you watch where you're- Hey! You're the jerks who broke the egg yolk on my carbonara!" Oh jeez, it's these assholes again. "I've had about enough of you punks. You need to learn your place!" I'm too tired to deal with this.

" .....You're the ones who darted out at us from around a corner! And you picked a fight with us at lunch over an egg that you were still totally able to eat! And now you've destroyed six of OUR eggs!" Deuce roared, his voice filled with rage. Woah, I didn't know he could get like this.

"Yeah! He's right!" Grim encouraged. "So what? You sayin' that was our fault?" One delinquent snarled. "I am. Please reimburse us for the eggs. And then apologize to the chickens." Deuce composed himself. "Ooh, look who's got his big boy pants on. You sure are makin' a big deal outta some stupid eggs." How hypocritical. "What?"

"They haven't even touched the ground, so they're still edible. Quit whinin'." Dude, they are quite literally smashed against the ground. "You should thank us for savin' ya the trouble of crackin' 'em!" The other added. "Ah ha ha ha ha!"

Deuce harshly clutched his fists, a vein could be seen from his forehead. "That ain't funny." Deuce snarled. "H-Huh?" The delinquents stammered. "I said, THAT AIN'T FUNNY.
You don't get to call my eggs stupid. You don't get to call ANY eggs stupid!" Deuce grabbed one of them by the collar, they were forehead-to-forehead. "Those eggs may not have gotten to be chicks, but they were gonna make some amazing tarts! Do you get it yet? DO YOU?!" Deuce yelled, his face red in anger.

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