Chapter 22: Old Ghosts

Start from the beginning

"Ain't it nice?" He chuckled. "And what about when they wash your hair for ya? That shit almost puts me to sleep every fuckin' time."

"I can see why." You smiled. "Today's been fun so far, thank you for taking me out!"

"Eh don't mention it. So, what's the deal with you and the strawberry pimp?"

"Remind me to call him that later." You laughed gently. "What do you mean 'what's the deal'?"

"Ya know," he urged. "You just going to pound-town on the fuck-truck now and again or are ya actually a couple?"

You smiled bashfully with a slightly slacked jaw. Unable to keep the little grin off your face as you shook your head and looked foreword. "We're a couple, yes. Last night sealed the deal."

"Didn't think he had it in him." He snickered. "How was it~?"

"You perv," you laughed, feeling your cheeks begin to blush as warmth flooded to your face. "I don't kiss and tell."

"Nah, those hickeys talk for ya." He grinned. "What was it like, is he a bottom?"

Your eyes widened and you covered your smiling mouth with your hand. He really had no filter. "I mean... it wasn't really that kind of session. So... to be determined. But if I had to guess, I don't think he is. Maybe a switch but I don't know."

"Dammit." He huffed. "Well I owe Cherry 20$ now. Was it good, though?"

You bit your lip as you smiled and looked around to make sure no one was listening in that closely, before leaning in and speaking quietly to your friend beside you. "I was in heaven." You admitted with a shy smile. "I was seeing stars and spots in my vision, it was incredible. I gotta be honest, since you asked... he said he got some tips from overhearing you talk about work."

"That's fucking amazing," he cackled. "Well I'm glad I could inadvertently help ya. How did all that even happen anyway? Like, how did it get to the point where you finally got him in the sack?"

"You know that... thing that happens when I touch people?"


"Long story short we were at the ball, I realized that not only did I have feelings for him but I was scared out of my mind because this guy is like one of the most evil and powerful beings Hell had ever seen. I felt like an idiot. But what I didn't know at that point was that he had feelings, too. I kinda left him in the dust at Lucifers castle after saying some pretty mean things. But he followed me home anyway and gave me the most convincing confession I could have gotten, he took off his glove touched my arm and... Well, there was no reason for me to doubt him anymore. I couldn't find a lie or malicious intent toward me anywhere. We kissed, and... The rest is history."

"Well dollface I'm happy that you're happy, and I hope he treats you well. I'll knock his teeth in for ya if he doesn't."

"Thanks," you chuckled. "It's weird I never would have thought I'd get close to anyone here let alone all of this."

"Was Al your first?" He asked, handing you a cigarette from a pack and lighting it for you before tending to one of his own.

"No." You shook your head solemnly, trying to maintain a look of neutrality on your face as you thought upon his question. Greedily inhaling the toxic smoke before pulling the cig away from your lips. "But he is my last."

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