Judges Registration

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You're in the mood for crime fiction and want to discover something new? Are you thirsty for fantasy? You want to rate some cool titles or some hot scenes?

🐌Then the Little Snail Award is the right place for you!🐌
You can register with us as jurors for an award.

There are no limits to WHAT you can do! That means: You can take over whole books, e.g. a "Fantasy-Award" or "Short Stories" where participants register whole books.

Or a smaller award e.g. only with "Best Title2", "Funniest Scene".

You can set your own rules. E.g.: I read the first 10 chapters of the stories. OR "I read the first 5 and last 5 chapters".

Also, the time you need is up to you. Whether you want to complete the award in 1 week or 4, we leave it up to you! 


What do we expect from jurors? What do you have to consider? 

1) We require a NEUTRAL rating!

We have already seen awards where friends or known or even second accounts were preferentially placed in the top 3 or even as winners! This is NOT tolerated here!If such a behavior is noticed, there will be a warning and then the blacklist for you.

2) If you sign up as a juror, you should be judged unbiased

Just because you like fantasy better than crime, you should not give unfair advantages to fantasy stories. If you want to be a judge, you have to judge far away from personal preferences.

3) Who registers, also rates

We are not an award for vote & follower collections so our participants are left hanging. So consider BEFORE if I have the desire & capacity and make it in the time you set! If something comes up for you, get back to me. However, if you withdraw, participants have the right to withdraw their Payments.

4) Reminder and then blacklist 

You get payments from the participants of your award - so you also have an obligation. So if you sign up, do it. We are not inhumans, something can happen to anyone. You can write to us and you can set deadlines. 

BUT: if we notice that you are screwing us or the participants, all participants will be asked to take back their payments (and YES, you can) and you will end up on the blacklist.That means: you will get a lifetime ban in our awards both as participants & judges. 

Our blacklist is also open. So if you are unreliable here, other awards and participants will see it and it can be that you will be excluded somewhere else.

5) Judging-Period 

When you sign up for a category, you specify a time period in which you will do the evaluation. It is up to you how much time you can take. However, since entrants can only participate in 2 awards at a time, we ask that you do not set a time period longer than 1 month for mini categories (Best Title Best Cover etc) and a maximum of 2 months for larger genres (Fantasy, Short Stories, Mystery, Adventure...).

6) Judging criteria

Let us know the criteria you will use to judge. These should be the same for ALL participants in your category. Set criteria that match the category. We will look over the criteria before you start and give the OK or suggestions for improvement.

7) Minimum and maximum number of participants

The minimum number of participants per award is 5 slots, the maximum number is 10 slots.

8) You may also judge as a beginner!

We are happy to support new judges as well! Very the Mini-Awards as the perfect exercise if you feel too insecure for bigger ones. We are happy to provide you with the judging criteria & pre-made sheets for this, which you can simply fill out. Please contact us via PM for this.

9) Transmission of the results

You fill out an evaluation form and provide it to us. We leave it up to you how you want to submit it (by PM, by Google document, by mail). 

10) Payments

Every juror has the right to a small compensation for his effort. BUT it should be proportional! Therefore, we give suggestions here, from which you can put together 3 (!).

#1 Each participant should leave up to 2 comments per chapter in up to 4 chapters of your story.

#2 Each participant should read up to 4 chapters of your story 

#3 Each participant should add 1 of your stories to their reading list

#4 Every participant should follow you permanently

#5 Each participant should leave 1 brief, honest feedback about 1 chapter 

#6 Have each participant share 1 of your stories on their message board






Number of participants: (5 -10) 

Evaluation Criteria: 

Registration period: 

Evaluation Period: 

Rules Followed:

Wished Payment: (#x, #x, #x)

🐌 FORM ➣➣➣


We reserve the right to reject jurors without giving reasons. 

The Little Snail Awards [closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora