Chapter 3: Showers For Two

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"Morning, sexy." Was the first thing I heard when I woke up this morning, Noah's hand stroking the back of my head lightly.

Sometimes we act pretty gay and couple-y. But that's just how it's always been.

"Good morning? No, decent morning. It will only be a good morning when I'll be waking up with my dick inside of your mouth. Or the other way around. Remembe-"

"I'm never letting you do that again." He mumbled, slapping my cheek.

"Oh fuck off will you? You loved it. Well, I guess you did. But judging from your moans and you shooting your load all over my face, you did."

"Of course I did. A slut like you has a lot of practice so you were pretty fucking good." He laughed. "But nonetheless- it was weird."

"No it wasn't!" I pouted. Dickhead.

"Yes it was. You were twice as drunk as I was and were constantly begging for a rimjob remember?" Guess who had his standards and didn't do it! "We're best friends. Not fuck buddies. That was the first and last time something like that-"

"First? Oh honey it's not the first time we've made each other cum." I hummed. "One more reason to just go with it. Bro-fucking."

"Shut up, and take a shower." He groaned. "You stink." Again, he slapped me but this time it was my ass. "Those times were desperate. And it is not like...the real deal. I'm not having sex with you. Deal with it."

"I will never deal with it-" I sighed dramatically and ran towards the shower.

I know I can be annoying. But- I just have to be annoying. I have to have him give in. I have to...I need him to want this. Me.

I'm not even sure why I'm obsessing over this so much.

About him and his sex life. As far as I know, he had sex with one guy at our school trip to london in 10th grade. But that was it.

I only found out about that a year later. And he won't tell me who the fucker was. Not even if he topped. He won't tell me anything.

That is the thing about Noah. He will tell me the last time he jacked off and show me the porn he watched that made him cum, he has almost no boundaries with me. Which I love. But the one thing he is not telling me about is his first time.

I don't know why and it freaks me out. Doesn't he trust me? Bullshit, I know he trusts me with his life. And this is not me being cocky, he's told me. He's cried to me because of that. Because we tell each other everything.

And I respect his privacy even though it doesn't seem like it. I respect that he doesn't want to share his first experience with me. I hate it. But I respect it. And he knows that the way I behave and try to get him to be more sexual is just me being me and that's one of the reasons he loves me.

But maybe that is just what ticks me off. That he won't share his most private experience.

It makes me feel so- cramped inside. Like someone put me in a balloon and is sucking all of the air out and it just squeezes tighter and tighter.

I'm scared for the reason he's not telling me.

And maybe...ok not maybe-

It annoys the fuck out me that I don't know who the guy was. Heck, Noah is not one to sleep around and have one night stands?! He was never in a relationship with anyone I didn't know of. And he never talked about that guy again.

So his first time- was just a fuck. Not some romantic shit. Not love. Heck, mine wasn't either but that's not the point.

It's about Noah. He deserves the world. He deserves to be loved by someone that would give him the world. He deserves someone that would do anything for him. Someone that is constantly thinking and worrying about him.

And to think that his first time was with a guy from our class trip, one in our class or god forbid some Brit'. It makes me so angry.

Noah deserved a first time with a boyfriend he loved. With fucking rose-petals on the bed and flavoured condoms and candles and music and-

Something nice. Not just a fuck. Noah is so much more than just a fuck.

It may seem like I want just that from him but-

I want him to have sex with someone he can trust. Someone he loves, even if not the same as one would love a boyfriend. He still loves me. And I love him.

Of course, we would bang everywhere we could, not always so classy, but still- I wanted to...have control over how he is treated.

Because I would treat him good. Perfect. Like he's the king of the world.

My world.

And the thought of someone just fucking him and taking his virginity without really loving him makes me furious.

"Jordan! I'm coming in ok?" Noah asked after knocking on the bathroom door. Without waiting for my answer he stepped in.

The shower was all fogged up so he couldn't see me naked.

Time to change that.

So I pushed my butt against the glass door and swung it around a bit. "That would be all yours." I sang.

Suddenly Noah opened the door in a hurry and for a second my heart stopped beating because he himself was just wearing a towel around his hips.

But he met my face with a wicked smirk and started blowing air at my naked, wet body. My nipples got hard in like 0.7 seconds and my dick shrunk to two third of the normal size. Fucking hell, what a bitch.

"Now shut the fuck up and shower and then get out, I wanna shower too."

"Come in and safe water with me." I smirked at him and he just flipped me off, turned around and started brushing his teeth.

I took a quick step out of the shower and ripped his his towel off of his hips.

Just to reveal his perfectly round butt I loved so much.

"You dickhead." He hummed and his left hand immediately covered his dick.

"Oh, why are you hiding it from me, baby?" I gigged, turning him around and pulling at his hand and made him reveal what he was hiding.

A boner.

Damn how I loved getting him a hard-on. He didn't show it often, always said it was from dirty thoughts and had nothing to do with me. But he couldn't deny anything now.

"Fuck you." He blushed.

"Sure you don't want to come in?" I smirked at him, pulling at his arm and I just saw his hard cock jump lightly. Fuck he's horny.

"I-i'm not having sex with you." He stuttered, not protesting as much as he initially wanted to.

"You don't have to." I said a bit more quietly and got him to step towards me.

Fuck he was actually coming with me.


"Relax. We're best friends. We gotta take care of each other, don't we?" I asked as I pushed his hot body into the running shower with me and slowly dropped to my knees, not letting one inch of his abs be untouched.

He was almost paralysed.

"If you ever use this as a way to get me to fuck you and tell me 'it's just one more step'- don't."

I just giggled, kissing his abdomen while my hand grabbed for his perfectly sized cock. Not too huge, not small, just perfect. And so pretty.

"You're such an ass." He groaned, taking my hair into his fists and pulling me up towards him. "At least kiss me before." He blushed, water covering his handsome face.

"Of course." I chuckled, grabbing his neck firmly but sexily and kissed with so much admiration for this boy it almost scared me.

We continued to make out for just a bit.

"J-jordan." He moaned as I kissed the tip of his dick after going back to my knees.

"What is it?" As I looked up at him his eyes were shut and his face didn't look- happy.

He bit his lip and pushed me back by my shoulders.

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