"And Yin!" 

"The Gold and Silver Demons!" 

MK and Pigsy sweat dropped as they watched the twin demons pose on the platforms. 

 "I'm sorry, who-" Pigsy went in front of him, interrupting MK's question. 

"I don't even know you guys! What do ya' got against my restaurant?!" Yin crossed his arms as he recalled his evil scheme. 

"So, here's the plan, right? We're figure if we put your noodle shop out of business, then Noodle Boy is out of a job." 

"And if he's out of a job, he'll starve, which will make him weak and then-" 

"We'll finally be able to destroy him!" They both laughed, as Pigsy glared at them. The four went head-to-head staring into each other's eyes with mockery and annoyance.

"It is now time for Round 1!

Jin looked at Pigsy with innocence making Pigsy grunt before looking at the food in front of him, as the announcer spoke.

The competitors will have to gather all the ingredients they need and race from the Food Wars Ultimate Pantry to their respective kitchens at the center of the courtyard. In three, two, one!"

The horn sounded and Pigsy speedily grabbed all the ingredients and tossed them at MK. 

"MK, catch!" MK struggled to catch the falling food, as he cried out to Pigsy. 

"Slow down, Pigsy!" Jin laughed at his opponents struggle but then abruptly stopped as he looked at the food in the boxes, confused. 

"Uh, Yin, I'm gonna be honest with you, I have no idea what any of this stuff is." 

"Oh, don't worry about that." Yin smirked as he pulled out a box of microwaved food. The two laughed. 

"You sly dog." Yin threw the box behind him, making it fall into the storage compartment of the Speedy Panda's vehicle. He took off with MK behind. They clashed into each other, resulting in MK at the front. 

"I really am the greatest racer ever-" MK screamed in horror at the sight of more Speedy Panda drivers, who rammed into him multiple times before leaving him in the dust. 

"Kid!" Pigsy yelled, watching as MK laid on the floor, defeated. Yin and Jin laughed at MK, making Pigsy glare at them.

Round 1 goes to Speedy Panda!

The screen showed the Speedy Panda logo advance a bit to the finish line, indicating that they have 1 point so far.

In Round 2, competitors will put their culinary prowess to the test in a cook-off with the winner being chosen by a panel of curiously selected judges.

Yin and Jin emptied out the microwaved box on a plate, and threw it into the microwave, chuckling. 

"We gotta move!" MK yelled at Pigsy, holding two noodle bowls in each of his hands, and the third on his head. Pigsy used a wooden spoon to stir the broth in the large pot. 

"I told you, MK. Good food takes time." He brought the spoon up to his lips as he sipped it. "Just need to add one more ingredient-" Jin grabbed the last ingredient and Yin slightly pushed him, making Jin drop the entire bottle into the broth. The bottle was faced down as it emptied it contents into the broth. 


"Clumsy us." 

The two left, laughing. MK panicked as a shadow casted over his boss's face. 

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