Skeleton Key

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At the Flaming Foundry, the Bull Clones were in the process of digging down to the blue glow. One of the Bull Clones stabs their pickaxe into the ground, causing a blue spirit to emerge. An explosion occurs, causing the Bull Clones to be blown back. Princess Iron Fan smirked before walking up to the tomb, passing by several of the fallen Bull Clones. She and Redson stood in front of the tomb, DBK standing behind them. 

"Finally." He said, as he puts his finger on the tomb, attempting to open it. A barrier formed, sending DBK back a few steps. "Another infernal obstacle keeping me from my DESTINY!" He yelled, punching the tomb, trying to smash it open. His blows cause more Bull Clones to fly back. 

"Patience, my love." 

"I've been patient long enough. I need that power!" 

PIF frowned at her husband's anger and walked up to the tomb, putting her hand on it. "The power that crafted this tomb is beyond my skill. Without an artifact of equal strength, there is nothing we can do. We're locked out." 

"Not for long!" Redson said as he summoned a floating screen. "All we need is a key and look what I found."


"Thank you for this amazing turnout."

 "Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid! Hero of the city!" Mei yelled, throwing a chair on the wall. Y/N looked at her awkwardly, before turning back to MK and the Mayor. 

"As mayor, I hereby give Monkie Kid the key to our fair city." He said, handing the key MK. 

"Um, uh, what does this key do, exactly?" 

"Oh, you'll love this. It has the power to open anything!"

 Y/N sweat dropped at that information. She knew that power could be abused if it fell into the wrong hands.

 "Ooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?" Mei asked, leaning on the Mayor's podium. 

"Yes. Or the door to a lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source. Whatever you like! Today, you can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor!" He said, before turning over to Y/N and waving at her before disappearing in a blue cloud of smoke.

"Huh. I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor." Mei said, looking at MK who was admiring the key. 

"Wow. A key that can open anything." He spoke.

He and Mei looked at each other with big grins, as Y/N sweat dropped. MK and Mei grabbed Y/N as they opened many things with the key. Eventually, Y/N had to go home, much to the displeasure of MK and Mei.


Y/N returned early the next morning, and saw Pigsy about to open the noodle shop. 

"Oh, hey kid. You're up early today." Pigsy said. 

"Yeah, just woke up sooner than expected." 

Pigsy nodded before trying to open his shop's door, but it doesn't budge. "What the? Ow! My back!" He kicked and punched the door repeatedly. "Please! Let me in! Let me into my noodle shop!" He yelled. 

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