Ch.6 Halloween

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The next few weeks were utter hell for young Y/n. After Merula began to ignore and avoid him, he stopped smiling. Stopped laughing.

The cheerful energy of the Slytherin common room died, even among the first years. Almost as if Y/n was the source.

Even his teachers were beginning to be effected by his change of demeanor. Especially Professor McGonagall.

"Mr. Carmine, can I see you for a moment?" McGonagall asked as her class ended and the students were shuffling out the door. Y/n silently walked to the professor's desk, his hair was unkept and his eyes were red.

"Yes, professor?" He asked in barley a whisper. McGonagall removed her glasses and placed them on her desk.

"Mr. Carmine, can you tell me what is wrong?" The professor asked kindly. "Your grades are beginning to fall, I've seen you barely eat at dinner." Y/n doesn't answer, he doesn't even meet her eye, staring down at her desk. McGonagall sighs deeply before rising from her seat and walking around the desk.

"Mr. Carmine, look at me." Y/n doesn't look up. McGonagall knelt down in front of Y/n, placing her hands his shoulders. "Look at me, Y/n." He slowly looked up at Professor McGonagall, finally meeting her eyes. "I may not be your Head of House, but I do care for all my students, Mr. Carmine. Now tell me, what's the matter?"

"It... it's Merula..." Y/n finally answered.

"Ms. Snyde?"

"Uh huh.. she.. I thought we were best friends.. but.. she suddenly stopped talking to me and ignoring me.. she's the first friend I made and..." Y/n stopped, he began to cry and sniffle. Professor McGonagall quickly flicked her wand in the air and a tissue flew into her hand from her desk drawer. "Did I do something wrong, Professor?" He sniffled, tears and snot running down his face. McGonagall took the tissue and cleaned him up.

"No, darling. You've done nothing wrong. Nothing at all." She wiped away his tears and snot, making him look presentable before throwing the tissue into a bin. "Now, why don't you go to the Great Hall and get you something to drink."

"Yes, professor." Y/n shambles out of the classroom. Professor McGonagall pinches the bridge of her nose before leaving herself.

She makes her way to Professor Dumbledore's office.

"Headmaster, may I speak with you a moment?"

"About Mister Carmine?" He asked softly.

"You know what's going on between him and Miss Snyde?" She asked staring at the headmaster.

"I do, for I am the cause of Mister Carmine's distress." Dumbledore admitted. McGonagall was flabbergasted, anger lighting behind her eyes.

"You are the cause of this?" McGonagall was doing her best to hold in her rage. "Do you even realize what you've done to him?"

"I am aware, Professor. And I assure you, it brings me no joy to do this to him. In fact, it breaks my heart."

"Then why, Albus? Why?" McGonagall asked, almost frantic.

"Because of his mother. You are aware that his true name is Bellarian Lestrange and he was adopted-"

"He was adopted by my daughter and Elizabeth, yes I am aware." McGonagall interrupted impatiently. "Please, get to the point Albus."

"My point Minerva." Dumbledore continued not bothered by McGonagall's outburst. "Is that he is a target. He could be attacked in all manner of ways, deceit being chief among them. So, I had Severus give false information to Miss Snyde to test Y/n. He must be able to fight off the attacks from the Death Eaters should they find him and use misinformation to attack him."

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