Ch.5 A True Lie

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It was another beautiful morning at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The great hall was filled with students of all ages filling their bellies before their morning classes. Y/n and Merula were sitting at the Slytherin table together, eating, minding their own business.

Merula noticed that few other Slytherin students were staring in their direction, noticeably other girls. She didnt know why they were staring at Y/n and herself, but she didnt like it. She noticed that they were older girls, nearing the end of their second year. Most of them had, or were about to, turn thirteen. A quick glare from her made them look away.

Soon enough, breakfast was over and all the young witches and wizards were off to class. Of course, Merula walked with Y/n, who wore his usual smile.

She would never admit it openly, but Y/n was her best friend. Her only friend at that, but her best, nonetheless. She likes to hold a scowl and pretend she doesnt care about anything Y/n says or does, but that couldnt be farther from the truth. She grew up in a rather tough way, so she had to be tough too, choosing to act like a menace to almost everyone and be mean to others.

But, secretly, she wasnt a mean person. She wanted to make friends and be happy, but that was rather difficult considering who her parents were. But that was a rather unhappy thought, and she chose to steer clear of it. But, after meeting Y/n, she hasn't been happier. She loved being around the little fool, but he was her fool.

"Merula, let's be sure to sit together at lunch, okay." Y/n said, grasping her hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Where else would I go, idiot?" Merula snapped back. One would expect Y/n to look hurt or upset, but he just smiled and continued to hold her hand. And that made her smile, too. At least on the inside it did.

Most of the day went by without much excitement, except for Malfoy causing a nuisance with Harry when ever he could.

It was finally time for lunch and everyone was on their way to the great hall. Everyone except Merula, that is. She had to take a stop at the girls lavatory and relieve herself.

When she left the lavatory, she found the halls empty of students. All of then already in the great hall eating, children are very motivated to move when food is involved it seems.

She quickly began to walk to the great hall, she knew Y/n would be waiting for her at their house table with a plate full of food. He knew her favourites by now, especially glazed bonbons. Merula allowed herself to smile for once at the thought, but she was abruptly pulled from her thoughg when she bumped into someone. And unfortunately for her, that someone was Professor Snape.

"Miss Snyde.." Snape sneered. "Off to lunch are you? And where is your other half, hmm? The two of you are normally joined at the hip."

"He's waiting for me in the great hall, Professor. I had to stop and use the toilet." Merula said, trying her best to not look Snape in the eye.

"I imagine he is. Wouldnt want to keep him waiting. But, it is an interesting thing, isnt it?"

"What is, Professor?"

"Your.. parentage." Snape said, making Merula freeze in place. She looked up at Snape with genuine fear in her eyes. "Its a wonder how the daughter of two of the vilest Death Eaters that ever served the Dark Lord ended up at Hogwarts."

Merula didnt speak. She couldnt if she wanted to, it was as if her voice left her body. Snape walked around behind her and continued.

"A wonder too, about Mister Carmine's parents. After all, his mothers are the ones who put your mother and father in Azkaban." Snape said, in almost a whisper, leering down at the poor girl. If Merula could freeze any more, she'd be an ice cube.

This revelation sent shockwaves through Merula. She never knew who put her parents away, but now she did. The Carmine's put her parents in prison, and because of them she had to live in that God forsaken orphanage.

Snape had accomplished what he had set out to do, and with a smirk left Merula in the hallway. Merula clenched her fists so hard, her nails drew blood from her palms. She slowly made her way to the great hall and when she stepped through the doors and saw Y/n smiling and waving for her to sit with him, she growled and sat at the other end of the table away from him.

While all the students were in the great hall, Snape made his way to the office of the school's Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Snape entered and quietly closed the door behind him. Dumbledore's back was turned to him as he approached the Headmaster.

"Good afternoon, Severus." Dumbledore greeted, his voice soft and quiet.

"Afternoon, Headmaster."

"Did you do as I asked?"

"I have. But why did you have me lie to the girl? We both know it wasnt the Carmines that put the Snydes in Azkaban." Snape questioned.

"Yes, I am aware. One of Mad-Eye's best arrests I would say."

"Then why, Headmaster?" Snape questioned again.

"To test the boy, Severus. Lies and deceit are the ways of the Death Eaters. They sow chaos where there is peace, and I must know how young Carmine can deal with potentially losing his closest friend to misinformation." Dumbledore explained.

"For what purpose, Headmaster?"

"All in due time, Severus. All in due time." Dumbledore said, walking around to his desk and sitting down. "For now, we must keep an eye on Mister Potter and Mister Carmine. Fate has chosen these boys for a purpose, what that purpose is, I cannot say, but we must be ready."

Snape nods before leaving Dumbledore's office. When Snape was gone, the Headmaster opened a drawer from his desk and took out a small letter. The paper was yellow with age, with creases and was written in blood. The letter was addressed to a Bellarian Lestrange and had only a single sentence.

"Mother is coming for you, my sweet little boy..."

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