In the future; it's not that bright

Start from the beginning

Bismuth, Lapis, and Pardot came by to help with the body. I did nothing, I used the warp pad to Steven's house instead of walking with them, they didn't seem to notice. As soon as I got there, I burst into tears uncappable of keeping them in any longer.

Today was the day I lost everything I ever loved.
I have no family to go to.
I curled up on his bed, weeping. I must have fallen asleep at some point, because I never heard them come in.

Pink Steven POV

When we got to a couch, they set him down. Me down? I didn't know. I could see a figure on what used to be my bed. I was free, but I missed having the other Steven around. I walked over to this girl. She was human - I think? She had a gem on her wrist, an Emerald? 

She was sleeping, and I watched as her back (she was sleeping on her side) rose and fell, at least she was breathing. I wasn't. I couldn't. I had no body to do if for me, and I had forgotten how. Gems didn't need oxygen, so I wasn't suffocating at least.

Your POV

Pink Steven watched you sleep for hours, sitting at the end of the bed. He didn't know human emotions, but he could still fell them. Worry. That was the one he was currently feeling; he just didn't know what it was yet.

He went to go wash off the blood and she woke up later; but by then, he had decided to move so she wouldn't see Steven's face when she first woke up. Instead, he went over to his body. He couldn't talk. Couldn't cry. Couldn't show emotions to the one who he held dearest. Lapis was yelling, he didn't like when Lapis yelled. "FIX HIM!" She had screamed.

Pink wished he could show emotions, but he couldn't even manage an eye roll at Lapis. He went over to is body and kissed it on the forehead. He knew it would do nothing, it had to be tears (which he couldn't do), but if was to make Lapis feel better.

"He's GOnE."

You stayed where you were, determined not to see Steven until you understood what was going on. You knew his gem was the source of Pink Steven, and you knew that they were one in the same. Pink knew you; and in a way; you knew him. You didn't want to admit that you cared for Pink at all.

When you finally sat up, you were watching Greg sob, holding Pink in a big hug. When Bismuth and Pink Steven told him that Steven was gone; Greg didn't listen. It wasn't just a shocker for him, it was new for you. 'What do you mean he's gone!?' You wanted to shout, but it was like you were mute.

You watched the scene from afar, looking at the surrounding areas. There was blood all over the place; and the gems were on the table. The rejuvenator was broken. From the looks of it, it seemed like Pink had gotten mad and broken it.

A smile appeared on you face. 'He really DOES care.'  But it quickly turned into the fake, 'I'm okay' or 'I don't care' Smile. You barely ever genuinely smiled unless it with Steven and the gems. This wasn't Steven. Steven's body sat up. It looked as though nobody noticed. You got up silently and walked over to the body and giving it a hug. It was cold, but it gave you comfort.

It returned it, the gems still looked confused as they couldn't see when you were seeing. You blushed and looked at Pink. You didn't want to meet his eyes, but you knew he could feel and see the same thing. You glared daggers at him. He ignored the looks and walked over to you and his body.

"Is your gem okay?" You asked stiffly. "I'm fine, Y/n." He said robotically. Everyone except you and Pink Steven gasped. How had he known your name? His shirt was pulled up to see a big scar, but thankfully the gem wasn't cracked or anything.

You walked away from him and the body. Back into Steven's room. You knew that you left some gloves at his house after a fight because they were ripped. You rummaged through his things until you found them. You held the hand that didn't have a gem to pearl. Pearl gave you a needle and some string from her gem.

You walked over to Steven's bed and started sewing them back together. You cut off the fingers. off because: New gloves, new you. Plus, you needed more fabric to fix the burned holes in the other parts of the gloves. When you were done, you walked over to Steven's body, and started to stich him up silently.

You didn't say a word the whole time. You could feel Greg, Lapis, Pardot, and Bismuth's stares. You just ignored them. "Keep the body." You say, "In case he actually comes back." And you took Spinel's gem. Pink Steven looked at you expectantly. "I'm not shattering a gem, pink." you said with venom that you didn't know you had.

"I'm going outside to see if she will try to help us." But before you could, Pearl's gem was shining. You sighed, "Oh boy." A pearl appeared, talking about eternal service. "What may I do for you; green diamond?" She asked, and you jumped back. "I'm a human." Pearl sighed, "Who owns me? I was hoping it would be the diamond; but she thinks she's human." Lapis volunteered. Now Pearl calls her Bob.

You wince at the name.
Then you storm outside, determined to bring Spinel back. You wanted answers, and you'll get them. No matter what.

When Spinel appeared, her gem was a right-side up heart. Maybe the last time was a self-corruption? You didn't know; but all her memories were gone. She kept calling you 'green diamond' but you still didn't know why. 

You warped around with her until you find yourself in an unexpected place: Pink's garden. Spinel broke down in tears. You ran over to comfort her. She shooed you away, now a darker pink and back to normal.

"You poofed me." She whimpered softly, "And brought me back to the place I spent millennial in." Your face softened. "You killed Steven. I was making sure you wouldn't do anything else you would regret." You say and Spinel turns to you. "Is that a threat, diamond?"

"WHAT IS UP WITH GREEN DIAMOND?!" You yelled, making her flinch, "I'm not- WHO IS green diamond anyway!? There are only four!" Spinel explained in a quiet voice, "There was a fifth, thought to be shattered. You're her." The ground was trembling, and I could see my skin saturate into a green color. "S-spinel." You whispered,

"Nobody knows." you muttered. You had no memory of how your 'green diamond' but if it made Spinel better, she could TRY to call you that.

Your diamond eyes widened. "Don't tell anyone." You begged, "Please." Spinel shrugged, "Why not." Then you groaned in pain, dropping to the floor. "It-Hurts." You shakily say, "The earth. It's hurting too." Spinel knew what was happening. "I'm poisoning you." She whispered in horror.

Spinel dragged you to the warp pad; and you teleported into the house. You had forgotten everyone was there. "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!" You yelled, being dragged over to the injector. She blew her hand horn, and it deactivated. You sighed, but the pain didn't go away. "My diamond!?" She squeaked, going to my side.


"LAPIS!" I called to her. We didn't have a good relationship, but she and Perri were the only ones who had a direct diamond hotline. "CALL THE DIAMONDS!" Thankfully, she did so, flying over to me so I could see them. "No time to explain." I groan, "Get over here." The diamonds nodded and they exited the call.

I was able to stand with the help of Spinel, but it didn't last long.

Too bad.

At least that green color went away.

Steven, gone wrongWhere stories live. Discover now