Chapter 45: Kaiser Arc - Part 17

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Judai had never been in such worse spirits. He knew he had just lost it a minute ago, but at the moment he didn't care. Sho was gone. His best friend was gone. He had failed to protect him. 'Sho... I'm sorry.'

All was silent for a long moment. The friends of the fallen Duelist mourned openly or inwardly. However, the mourning did not last long. Suddenly, without any warning, a surge of dark white light erupted in the center of the dueling arena. "What is this?!" Misawa shouted in surprise.

To everyone's shock, Cyber Darkness Devil had returned. "What's that thing doing back here?! Wasn't it destroyed along with Devil Kaiser?!" Kenzan said, shocked and confused. The creature then raised it's massive tentacles upward and made a roar that shook everyone to their very souls. After that, it glowed dark white again, while streams of energy flowed toward it from the empty space around them.

"Guys, what is it doing?" Rei asked, now getting a very bad feeling.

"Oh no! We are in a most critical situation!" Cried Dr. Zweinstein. "That Monster is gathering up negative energy from across this dimension! But the amount of energy here is endless, and even a container of such a powerful creature cannot hope to contain that level of power!"

"What are you saying Doctor?" Masumi asked.

"Within a matter of minutes, that monstrosity will be unable to absorb anymore negative energy... and will explode!" Zweinstein answered.

"And when it does, the explosion will be massive and spread throughout the Domain! None of us will survive!" Misawa added to the immense shock and dismay of everyone.

"Devil Kaiser set this up from the start!" Gloria realized angrily. "He said earlier he planned to use the card Lightning gave him to kill us here and everyone back at Duel Academy! This was what he meant! It didn't matter if he won or lost the Duel!"

"The important part was him playing the damn card in the first place! Damn him!" Ryo cursed.

"So we're all going to die?!" Grace panicked.

"No, we still have a chance!" Misawa interjected. "Remember what we said about Serena's bracelet?"

"Yeah, of course! But do you know how to use it to save us all?" Johan asked.

"Our "secret friend" just gave us an update! He said if you can get Serena back over here to the control console, he will be able to somehow link the bracelet's positive energy to the dimensional transporter. When we escape, the overflowing positive energy should be able to not only return us to Duel Academy, but also cut off the connection between the Domain of Destruction and our world!" Misawa said.

"Saving everyone in the process!" Edo said, understanding the plan.

"I'll get her!" Ryo said before running into the arena.

"I'm coming too!" Yuri called out as he followed. He didn't know why, but he felt he needed to be there.

Meanwhile, Judai rushed over to Serena, who was cradling Sho's body. "Serena, things seem to look pretty bad right now! We'd better get back to the others!" Serena didn't look up at him.

"Why? What's the point? We've lost." Judai had never heard such utter defeat in Serena's voice before.

"Serena, we can't just sit here and..." Judai started, but Serena interrupted.

"We've lost him, Judai! We've lost Sho! He was your best friend! And he was my...!" She couldn't bring herself to finish that sentence. "I don't see any point of surviving now." She said instead.

"Serena..." Judai couldn't think of anything else to say that would convince her.

"Hey! You two! We gotta move!" Judai and Serena looked to see Yuri and Ryo running towards them. "Zweinstein said that thing is going to go all nuclear on us if we don't get out of here!" Yuri said in a hurry.

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