Chapter 10- Shadow Beasts

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A subtle ring starts to chime in our ears, alerting us of a caller. Nonchalantly, Paku grabs her phone, flipping it open and pushing a few buttons in the process, then holds the device up to her ear.

"Boss?" she asks. After a few moments pass, nodding her head sporadically, she finally hangs up, drawing her attention to us.

"(y/n), you were right, it was the Shadow Beasts," I feel my pride grow in my chest, "Boss wants us to meet at the intersection point, after Uvo and his squad finishes off three of them. We'll have to take a car," she concludes.

Immediately, we all get up and stretch, climbing down the back of the building, reaching half way, then running across it's side, to the south of it, near the mountains. We all jump to the ground, and run through the alley's and abandoned streets in a formation formed by intuition and trust. I don't recall us even having that. We stop on the side of 8th street, in front of a long, slim black car, with a just as darkly tinted windows.

Stepping forward to use my magic, I manage to open the door after a few slams and twists of certain parts, and pulling things through the windows, getting in the front seat. I sit down quickly, and grab some wires from the bottom, flipping my hair out of my face, eventually starting the car and unlocking the doors, stepping out and moving to the passenger side. Everyone piles in and we start up towards to mountain side like planned. Supposedly, according to some information Paku shared, the rest of the members are in a clearing, surrounded by mafia, Uvogin taking them all on.

I don't doubt his skill at all, Uvo made it very clear he's strong and nobody is a match for him, I'm just concerned about how he'll manage to kill that mass of men, with automatic guns and most likely more, with apparently three Shadow Beasts as well. It seems too good to be true, but then again, this is the Phantom Troupe. They're capable of this and much more, they've even earned the title of a Class A criminal on the black list.

After about fifteen minutes, we arrive at the intersection, two cars rushing past us. Out of the corner of my eye, I seem someone jump on the car tailgating the other, and some shadow casting over it, completely enveloping it all. Stopping the car, parking out of sight, Feitan, Franklin, Paku, Shizuku and I get out and make out way over to where the others are. They managed to get out before anything happened with that shadow, but the other vehicle got away.

"There's more?" someone screeches from above us, making the rest of the members on the mission, facing us.

"About time you show up," Machi retorts, looking at me and smiling, her pink hair shining brightly against the dark forecast. I return the gesture.

"This is the Phantom Troupe?" another guy calls, mockingly.

"Don't underestimate them," a boy with hair covering half of his face breathes out.

"Who's taking who out?" Shizuku calls, earning the attention of the infamous Shadow Beasts.

"I can take out two of the ones on the let, Franklin can take out the rest on this side," Feitan shrugs.

"Who do they think they are?" the mocking man groans again, baffled by Shizuku's lack of admiration towards them.

"I'll take the thing in the air and the obnoxious pest," I state, her nodding accordingly, leaving the rest to her and the others. Apparently, the Shadow Beasts are the top ten most strongest nen users of the mafia. We're going up against seven, and Uvo took out three already. This may actually be fun...

"Who are you calling pest, weakling?" they guy screams at me, his pride clouding his judgement.

"Don't underestimate them!" a creature tells him.

"I don't care who they are! They need to be put in their place!!" he screams again, portraying a protagonist hero, embarrassingly.

His yelling creates a blind spot, oddly enough, his attention drawn to the level of his voice, rather than his nonexistent guard, and giving us a chance to attack. I plan for this battle to be as quick as possible. If I make a good impression with the others, maybe I'll be able to actually be official. This is proving to not be for nothing, the change I've always wanted. I mean, about a week or so ago I was on a mission, now I'm fighting a group of skilled nen users with the Phantom Troupe. It's exciting to say the least.

Smiling quickly, I assess the situation to the best of my ability in the five second timeframe I've been given. Charging forward, I see the egotistical guy in front of the bat like person perched in the air, his wings flapping about three times every few seconds, consistently, the other standing in a position leaving his left side open in any move he makes. They both seem like amateurs.

The pest is the easiest to get now, the bat will take some extra effort...

Running straight up to the man, his straight thick greenish grey hair and brown skin making up his appearance, I kick the bottom of his chin, him creating a sort of grunt, blood spraying from his mouth and onto his face, a few drops landing on mine. I have no need to hold back.

I turn my attention to my nen, hiding it in the shadows of the night, making it crawl it's way into every crack and crevasse available, making it slip it's way into the air, behind the bat, slowly, while the ego-manic recovers from the blow.

He fixes his stance, alerting me, and running forward, swinging his fist near the side of my head, but I snap my head all the way back, getting a good view of the sky, before I punch his left side. I was right, he was open there, his attack and lack of blocking a basic attack proves it.

When I get my hold on the bat, I stop all of his movements, earning a screech like before. The man turns around like the idiot he is, and with my iron grip, I move my arms in a slamming motion, the boy in the air following my manipulated response, crashing into the ground. Cracks from his broken arms and wings fill the air, the guy under him struggling to breathe. Just as quick as Feitan, I pivot my foot a rush towards the two and slice my hand once against them, killing them off, making the bird's death painless.

Brushing the uprooted dust and grim off of me, I make my way over to the other's who have finished, waiting for the members who are taking their time.

I haven't had this much fun in ages...

Hello!! Sorry if this took long, I've been a bit busy, but I'll be writing more this weekend, and maybe even a new Levi Ackerman Fanfic... :)))


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