Chapter 3- The Spiders

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The rural parts of Yorknew started to diminish after three hours of walking passed. Hisoka lead me down alley's and through the streets of less common areas, where people didn't care who you were, as long as you stayed out of their business, you guys were as tight as brothers.

No conversations last more the one interaction, and he tried to make as many as possible, but it soon got quite annoying. The clown kept asking about me and my family, and how they came about their business, but his efforts soon diminished when he realized not a word will be coming out of my mouth any time soon.

The sun started to set, and red enveloped the sky in multiple shades. Closer to the horizon, there was a vibrant sunflower yellow shining fiercely against the red surrounding it, and soon and dark purple covering that. No clouds showed in the sky like it did last night, but rather stars took over that. Billions of gaseous balls of fire shined through the now dark royal blue atmosphere. It was breath taking. Hisoka didn't seem to notice, rather he searched the surrounding area of broken down buildings.

Stepping over shards of glass, and rough clumps of ruble and metal poles impaling it, Hisoka made his way to one specific building in the middle, stopping to talk to me.

"This is it, the hideout, and do behave yourself. I wouldn't want you to make a bad impression," he sighed, rubbing the side I socked from our previous battle.

The building itself is about eight stories, yet hallow on the inside. None of the floors seem to be entirely intact. It just looked like a piece of junk. Perfect for spiders.

Leading me into the front of the building, Hisoka jumped over fallen walls and floors, twisting through a few halls and leading me into, what seems to be, the main room for the Phantom Troupe. This was not the ideal location for someone as injured as Hisoka and I. This was like me walking right into tetanus.

As we arrived, it seems nobody else was actually here. It's dead silent, no movements, nor any sense of nen from what I could tell. The spiders seem to enjoy silence, which made to whole hideout a lot more quiet than it needed to be. I immediately put up my guard incase someone tried to attack. With the amount of concrete and dips in the ground, I didn't not have the upper hand. My odds of winning were low, but not impossible to beat.

"Hisoka, who's this?" a husky voice asked. From what I heard he seems to be in his late 20's and early 30's, and definitely a male from how deep his voice is, and his tone as well.

"Oh, don't mind her," he cooes annoyingly. My patience with him is very thin at this point.

Huffing the husky voice adds, "I think everyone here minds, so who the hell is she?" he seems just as impatient as I.

"Let's just say a recruit." He replies, stopping and jumping up to a window sill, looking down on me.

When the moonlight shinned through the broken glass up at the top of all the broken floors, the circle of design creating a shadow of dancing metal and aesthetic forms of wind, my eyes adjust to the mass amount of people actually here.

I knew it...

The awkwardness of the situation seemed to make it to me as thirteen pair of eyes, actually twelve and one eye, stare back at me, watching my every move as I watch theirs. Two women and eleven men, but I missed something when I was scanning the area. One person wasn't looking at me at all, in fact this man was engrossed in a particular book up at the to of a pile of rocks. He pays me no means, captured to the web of ink and letters. It was quite relatable.

"So spit it out, who are you," a higher voice than the last asked. His hair was short and jet black, and shiny like ink too. A mask covers half of his face, almost like he was burring it from the cold, but it's not even cold enough for that. He must think he is so cool covering half of his face, like a fucking idiot...

Scoffing at his remark, I take in everyone once again, till I feel someone behind me. quickly, I run from where I am, moving my feet in a flash till I'm behind a woman with short shoulder length blonde hair with her breasts practically crying to be let out of her tight suit.

"I mean you no harm, but if you are a recruit as Hisoka says you are, you need to discuss this with the boss, so take your knife away from my throat and follow me," she says as bored as I, and quickly did as she asked. Everyone's eyes are on her and eye, and occasionally, she glances at me too. I think I like her the most.

A few moments later, I'm at the head of the pile the man sits on with his book in hand, and the faint light around us makes me realize how breath taking this guy truly is. He seemed like an self centered jerk, but I would do the same as he in any given moment.

After turning a page, the guy closed his cloth bound book with a pinch of his two finger, sets it down, and stars at only the woman besides me. Maybe he is self centered...

"Paku, please introduce me to this new recruit," he commands. Shrugging, she pushes me forward, but I step before she could touch me, and suddenly his eyes are on me.

The moonlight enhances this guys features to an extent that makes him seem almost unreal. His skin is extremely pale, lacking the sunlight, but in a healthy way. His hair is black like any others, but pushed back firmly, and becomes looser towards the end, assumedly by gel. He wears a trench coat of sorts without any shirt underneath, his toned body taking the spotlight, but besides that,what really sticks out to me was his face.

He has sharp features, but in a masculine way, and his face is adorned with a cross type tattoo right in the middle of his forehead. He was the leader for sure, and his midnight eyes seemed to bore into me as a smirk accompanied his face, almost calmly. He's just as odd as Hisoka..

Minutes pass and he's still looking at me, until the pervy clown speaks up.

"Chrollo, she doesn't talk much I'm afraid," he sighs, smiling like a lunatic, "she only spoke about four sentences to me entirely in the time span of a full day." Chrollo's eyes still never left mine, and my unbothered gaze did the same.

Suddenly, he speaks with such a hushed yet final tone, the voice of someone who knew how great me was, yet not low nor too high, and replies, "Well... she'll talk eventually, Hisoka, I guarantee it," At that his eyes glimmer more in the sunlight as his smirk grew wider.

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