Untitled Part 13

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I spent some time in my new room avoiding the others the people I let near me are Bella and Barty, I'm so pissed that everyone's treating me like a child, I'M NOT A FUCKING CHILD. I start taking some breathes and calm down from my sudden rage, normally I'm great at keeping my emotions under control but lately their getting out of hand. I grab a nearby book the title reading Occlumency.

Lunch rolls around and Barty walks in with a try of food, "what you reading pup?" "Occlumency, I didn't know what it was when I started reading it but now I think it might help with some of the things going on with me right now" "maybe. So have you thought about what we talked about earlier" "yeah, and I think your right" "I'll make an appointment with the goblins then" I nod and he sets the food down leaving.

I finish the book just before dinner and decide to try and make a Mindscape like it says in the book, I start to image a world in my head,

I finish the book just before dinner and decide to try and make a Mindscape like it says in the book, I start to image a world in my head,

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(more then one tree)

I then make a tree for everything 1 for memories, 1 for emotions, 1 for my wolf to use so I have a total of 3 trees, and the only way to get to the floating island is to use Ember, and she only responds to me.

(I know it's short but this is all I could think of)

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