Chapter 10-White flags

Start from the beginning

I nodded again and ran to grab them.I grabbed me dimond sword and bow.I ran to their house and they stood there with a stone a stone sword."Yn is that all you have." "No dont worry I have iron armor."They opened their bag and I saw it.

We walked out of Lmanberg and into the forest we where also on high alert so we didnt get ambushed by the Dream team."So how are you yn."I asked them but they seemed out if it probally because they where focused but then and we got jumped.

We saw the dream team plus Punz.One had a white hoodie and a gold chain.The second one had a ugly blue jumper and some silly goggles.The 3rd one had a while hoodie with a fire logo with a dumb fucking bandana to match and he also had raven black hair the last one had a green hoodie blode messy hair and a white smile maks why is it allways that piss baby Dream.

"Hello lmanchildren what are you doing out here." Before I could cuss him out yn spoke up."Sorry we walked to far we are just going to ya know leave well bye now."

Yn grabbed my wrist and started to pull me away but Punz and George blocked our path with enchated netheright swords"Oh you idiots aren't leaveing."I heard Dreams sickly voice come from behind me.I felt them shove their bag into my hands and wispered."Put the armor on please."

Yns pov
I shoved my bag into Tommys hands and wispered"Put the armor on please."I knew I had to protect him while he got himslef in the armour I pulled out my stone sword and Dream let out a sadistic laugh and started to loose his breath."You think....that you....can....can best us with.... that....... YOU MUST BE FUCKING JOKEING."I got in a fighting stance Wil your crazy training better be helpful.I saw the Raven hair boy charge at me and blocked him with my sword and puched him back I saw Punz and George approaching Tommy.

I ran over to them and made sure they couldnt touch Tommy I was abit scared as there weopns where enchanted and mine wepon barely had any power.I blocked a sing from Punz as he charged at me.I quickly moved my sword and stabbed his leg.Then Sapnap charged at me and I fell over when i blocked his attack.He ran towards me allIo could thing of was throwing my sword at him.

Luckily for me it hit him in his sholder.I stood up and was about to go get my sword I felt a sword on my neck.It was Dream."Not so clever now are we little Y/L/N." I was scared as Dream had expressed his ugre to have control over me to take over the server.

"OI DREAM YOU PISS BABY LET THEM GO OR GEORGE GETS IT."We looked over and saw that Tommy had his sword on Georges neck like Dream had his to mine"Let him go."He said in a low scary growl."Let yn go first even if we didnt release George we wouldnt even make it to Lmanberg as you are stronger than us."

Why Tommy why say that one of the rules in war is never show weakness to the enemy."Ok yeah but i want to to take a message back to your dumb nation Lmanchildburg." "Fine hurry up." He put a smirk on his lips and said "Tell your leader I want to see WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW AT DAWN OR YOU ARE DEAD!"My fuckikg ears I am supprised I am not deaf.

Dream moved his sword.With Tommy copying his actions I ran to Tommy and George ran to Dream."Tommy lets go now." Tommy nodded at me and we started running to Lmanberg.We where 16 we shouldnt have to live like this.We should be haveing fun.Being happy not this.

We finally got to Lmanberg and went to find Wilbur. We went to his office and just barged in "Wil we need to fucking be prepared."Wilbur seemed to jump in fear "Jesus Tommy what happened."Wil Dream wants white flags outside our base by tomorrow at dawn or we are dead."Ok yn didnt know your name was Tommy.I rolled my eyes."Well I know that but do we surrender or commence in war."

Tommys pov
Wil looked torn by surrendering amd proteting eveyone in Lmanberg or fighting for independence.He was actally considering surrender."No we are going to fight I worked too hard for this nation.

"I want eveyone training for the rest of the day then up before dawn ok."Me and yn nodded and left "I am so sorry Tommy I am so,so,so sorry."Yn walked away.Why was she sorry?Was I missing something?We shouldnt be going though this...

Please end this torture for our sanity.

Hey eveyone hope you are all we ok someone tell me if Niki is uncomfortable with being shipped but yeah i was planing on putting the war in this chapter but I realised id I did i would probally reach 3000 words also like I promised my tictok is Ash_cosplays my vidoes vmbe cosplays of the dsmp follow me if you want and remember to eat,drink and sleep and I will see you in the next chapter also I didint proof read and i suck at wrighting people fighting.

Word count-1738


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