The Start of a New Chapter Can Be Confusing

Start from the beginning

"I had a lot of fun," Steve told Y/n as they walked to his car, "Thanks for letting me hang out with you"

"You're welcome here anytime Steve, I know you don't like being alone at home, so just drop by anytime, or just give me a call," He said with a smile.

"Alright I will," Steve said getting in his car, "By the way, I'm going out with Nancy tomorrow to watch a movie, do you want to come?"

Steve was an idiot for inviting Y/n to his date with Nancy, but he didn't see anything wrong with it, then again he was a very oblivious person. Y/n would never even dream about interrupting Nancy's time with him, he knew that if he was in her position he would've been furious at Steve for inviting someone else to their date.

"I'm sorry, I-umm, I've got something tomorrow, maybe another time," Y/n told him.

"Right," Steve said, "No-yeah, that's a better idea, I'll see you later then" Y/n nodded at him as he turned on his car.

"Have fun" he told him, and Steve smiled at him driving away.

Y/n walked back to his house and helped his dad tidy the table.

"So... I was wondering, you and Steve" Scott began saying.

"What about me and Steve?" he questioned cleaning the table.

"Well, I was wondering what was going on between the two of you?" he asked, "Are you guys friends or do you like each othe-"

"Oh we're just friends" he quickly replies, "He's going out with Nancy, plus I don't think he's into guys"

Scott looks up at him from the kitchen, "You never know. Do you like him?"

Y/n's head snapped to look at his dad, he shook it, "What? No, no, no, I don't like Steve, no way"

Scott wasn't convinced by Y/n's response, he could tell there was definitely something going on between them, but he also noticed the internal conflict going inside his head, clearly, he wasn't sure how he was feeling either, he enjoyed spending time with Steve, he liked being with Steve, he liked Steve, but he didn't like him as more than a friend, or so he wanted to believe.


During summer Steve tried to hang out with Y/n as much as he could, but Y/n didn't put in the same effort, not because he didn't want to be around Steve, but rather because he was so confused with how he was feeling towards him and spending time with him only added to that confusion, so they didn't spend as much time together as they would've hoped for. Not only that but Y/n was working more often than usual at the café given the fact he had been trying to save up more money to help his dad with his college fund, but they still saw each other once in a while, most of the time it was at the café, Steve would go and order something just to get the chance to spend time with Y/n, or he would keep him company during his lunch breaks, Steve would even buy Y/n lunch sometimes.

Once school started again though they went back to hanging out as they usually did and very often, Steve needed a lot of help with school, it was officially their senior year, and he only had a couple of months before he had to take his SAT's, he also had to start writing his college essays, and he had no idea what he should write, so he kept asking Y/n about it.

"What have you done in your life that has stuck out to you?" he asked him.

Steve looked down at his notebook answering the question on the board as he thought about his response.

"Honestly" he began saying looking back at Y/n, "I don't know, I haven't done anything special with my life" he confessed, "What are you writing yours about?"

A Chemical Reaction Called Love (Steve Harrington x Masc!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now