۵ 𝔸𝕔𝕥 I : chapter 8۵

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[Y/n's pov]

The yelling I had to endure from the others left a growing pain in my head; currently The others were playing their first game, due to not really caring, and knowing they'd survive any way, I decided to go back to my dear arisu and the others.

The agency, the mafia, and I had found a way to get in contact through some old phones that Hiiguchi had found.

"*Sigh* How tiring, what a wonder to see my plan for once not going the way its supposed to.... I guess a mass suicide is a no until they die.."

Since I couldn't find a way to commit the perfect suicide, I had chosen this as a perfect opportunity to have a mass suicide, so that I won't die alone.

"Y/n!  Where were you??!"

A few minutes earlier I had come to a beach/garden type of building. Turns out, this was a game arena.

"Welp... It seems as if you've joined me, how nice~"

The four were obviously confused as they stood in front of you, before looking at the phones and helmets on the table.

"Oh... So this isn't a safe heaven?.... I-I"

Chota looked like he had been struck by the worst news possible, Karube glared at the floor in disappointment, while arisu and Shibuki looked with determination.

"Well let's clear this game, maybe this is a way out!"

Arisu spoke cheerfully and proudly. Oh, how admirable that he can be so proud but given the situation at hand I knew it wouldn't last long due to the difficulty of this specific game...

"I wouldn't-... Ofcourse no one listens, how annoying for once"

{Second POV}

You mumbled quite irritably under your breath. You were annoyed at the groups idioticy and carelessness in such a situation. But that wasn't what irritated you the most, it was that they were the most predictable people to exist, even though the game had not started; you could tell that only one will make it out alive.

"entries accepted: please put on the googles and proceed to the garden"

The four had put on the helmets, but looked confused as there was five phones, but only four helments/goggles.

"wait... what about y/n? how come-"

"let's not worry about that right now arisu, Lets go"

Shibuki rudely interrupted as she pushed the three boys away; now that the boys were in the garden shibuki started walking up with a glare.

"Don't think I don't know your plan, You're planning on killing me aren't you?"

Shibuki looked up at you with what seemed to be her attempt at intimidating you.

"Oh? why ever would little poor me try something as awful like that?"

Bending down to reach her short level, you faked a hurt look, but inside you knew all too well that you were enjoying it.

"I will not have some crazy maniac come in and ruin what I worked for, for so long! I Ended up sleeping with someone I hated, just to get the place i was at... I cannot die, So you're gonna take my place you wretch!"

For once, she caught you off gaurd as she pushed you out of the game rings. With huge eyes, the last thing you saw was a laser coming down from the sky....

{arisu's POV}

That woman, Shibuki, had been gone for abit. I felt troubled by this, due to the fact they were in the same room as Y/N. That women were far too suspicious. First her lying about what she was doing before coming here, to her randomly disappearing, to chota's weird change in personality after leaving them alone, to now, It was too much to not be suspicious.

"sorry about that, Y/n wanted to... speak with me."

Karube and Chota seemed to get the same idea as I.

"soo... where are they?"


Shibuki avoided the question before pointing at the huge tv on the wall, distracting us from the main problem.

"registration now closed. Game will now commence, difficulty: Seven of hearts"

The robotic voice of a women spoke from the phone. The words of the guy's words replyaed in my head.

">>>the games of hearts are the worst, they play and toy with your brains, make the other players turn and rip each others throats out>>>"

Before anyone could speak, The robotic voice spoke again.

"game: hide and seek. Rules; One person must be the wolf,  and the other three will be the lambs. A lamb found by the wolf will become the next wolf and must hide so that the wolf does not find them. clear condition; player who is the wolf at the game's end is the winner. time limit: 15 minutes"

Everyone looked up and glanced at eachother before at the TV.

"wait... so this means"

Chota accidentally made eye contact with shibuki..... with shibui looking in fear she spoke..

"It means that only one... only one can live.. "

As shibuki ran, It dawned on everyone that only one will survive....

"The game of hearts.... It indeed is the most cruelest... isn't it? "

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