Blending In

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"Johnny you and your sister have been to the Taj Mahal?" Eunice asks as she, Murray, Mavis, Alexis and Johnny are sitting at a table.

"Come on. No monster's been to the Taj." Murray says.

"Man I wish I could go there. How did you deal with the mobs?" Mavis asks.

"Yeah it does get pretty crazy in the summer. But you know you just got to roll." Johnny says.

"He just rolls. That's cool that he rolls." Wayne says as he, Wanda and Dracula come over.

"Yes, yes. Cool. Look love droppings. I brought you a bagel with your favorite scream cheese." Dracula says as he gives Mavis a bagel with cheese on it.

"Holy rabies. Thanks Dad. Johnny try some scream cheese. It's awesome." Mavis says excitedly as Alexis and Johnny see the cheese screaming.

"Oh cool. But I'm scream cheese intolerant. So polite pass." Johnny says nervously before Dracula walks away with him.

"Is it good? It must be to be your favorite." Alexis says.

"You've never tried it?" Mavis asks curiously.

"No I'm afraid I haven't." Alexis says as she shakes her head before Mavis breaks off a piece of the bagel and hands it to her.

"Try a bite." Mavis says excitedly.

"Um..." Alexis says as she looks at the piece of bagel.

"If you don't want to it's fine." Mavis says as she gives a disappointed look.

"No, no. I mean I'll give it a try... I can't say no to a smile like yours." Alexis says as she blushes slightly causing Mavis to smile.

"You like my smile?" Mavis asks shyly.

"Yeah. It's beautiful. Whoa. This is amazing." Alexis says as she takes a bite of the bagel.

"Told you." Mavis says as she smiles and chuckles.

"Here come good times! Whoo! Oh dudes. Oh my back." Johnny shouts as he goes by the pool only for a monster to jump on his back.

"I'm on your back!" The monster shouts.

"Come on Alexis. Let's get them." Mavis says as she pulls Alexis with her to the pool as people begin to jump in and have fun much to Dracula's alarm before Johnny tries to climb up to do a dive as the pool water is drained before Dracula pushes a green blob under him to cushion the fall.


"Oh you messed up baby. You messed up big-time. I told you to take it down. You'll ruin my hotel if they find out." Dracula says as Alexis and Johnny are following him through a cemetery.

"Well maybe you're just jealous that people are finally having fun at this place." Johnny says.

"Johnny maybe chill a bit." Alexis says as she looks at Johnny.

"Oh that? That was not fun. Everyone running, jumping, swimming with no order. That was the opposite of fun." Dracula says angrily.

"Do you even know what fun is?" Johnny asks.

"I invented fun!" Dracula shouts.

"Boy the wrong people get to be immortal." Johnny says grumbling.

"Look at me. You remember nothing of this encounter. You have no memory of this place or the monsters you met. Now go and never return." Dracula says as his eyes turn red while looking at Alexis and Johnny.

"Wait. Never return to the hotel?" Johnny asks.

"What? You were supposed to forget the hotel. I just used my powers to erase your memory. I looked straight into your eyes." Dracula says.

"It's his contacts. They help him to see better. As for me can't tell you why it didn't work." Alexis says as she crosses her arms.

"Listen to me. You are never to return here. Either of you. You are to stay away and never tell humans about this place. Or I will track you down and suck every ounce of blood from your bodies until you look like a deflated whoopee cushion! Be gone." Dracula says angrily before leaving.

"Can't believe I'm leaving man. That could have been so great! Dude ruined everything." Johnny says angrily as Alexis sighs before seeing Mavis.

"Mavis. What are you doing here?" Alexis asks curiously as Johnny sees Mavis.

"Follow me Alexis." Mavis says.

"Oh. No, no Mavis we can't. We have to leave." Johnny says.

"You sure? It'll be fun." Mavis says before Johnny looks at Alexis before sighing and nodding.

"Okay." Alexis says as she and Johnny follow after Mavis.


"Mavis you're certain your dad won't see me or Johnny right?" Alexis asks as she climbs onto a roof with Mavis.

"It'll be fine. Johnny is safe where we left him." Mavis says.

"Wow. This view is beautiful." Alexis says as she looks at the view from the roof.

"It is." Mavis says as she smiles.

"I wish I had time to draw this view. It's amazing." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You draw places you've been?" Mavis asks curiously.

"Yeah. I do that as a way to keep them as a memory." Alexis says as she smiles kindly at Mavis.

"But didn't you ever have to worry about the sun or humans?" Mavis asks.

"Not really. I mean personally I don't think humans are so bad but I've definitely had my battles with them too. Just gotta know who the good ones are." Alexis says.

"I never thought about it like that. It's amazing. You've been everywhere with Johnny." Mavis says.

"Maybe but it's never as good as coming back home after it all. But there's things that I miss over everything." Alexis says.

"What's that?" Mavis asks.

"My mother." Alexis says.

"You miss your mom? But she's always home waiting for you. Right?" Mavis asks.

"Actually Mavis no. I lied about being related to Johnny. I am his sister but it's an adopted relationship. I lost my family when I was little. My mom and I we were very close. I miss her all the time." Alexis says as she gives a sad look.

"I'm sorry. I know how you feel. I lost my mother too." Mavis says as she gives a sad look.

"I'm sorry." Alexis says.

"It's why I wanna travel. To be closer to her... Oh no. Sunrise." Mavis says seeing the sun is beginning to rise.

"Mavis wait. Follow me. I got an idea for something." Alexis says as she grabs Mavis's hand.

"Where are you taking me?" Mavis asks as Alexis leads her to behind a chimney.

"Right here. Now just watch." Alexis says as she and Mavis watch the sun begin to rise from in the shadow of the chimney.

"Wow. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." Mavis says in amazement as Alexis smiles at her.

"Uh-oh. I think your dad found my brother." Alexis says as she hears Johnny scream for her.

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