Chapter; Four

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Kazuha was confused and believed that the Fatui soldiers had mistaken Kunikuzushi for another person. However, Kunikuzushi stood up and dragged Kazuha away from the table by his wrist, gripping firmly but not so much that it would hurt the smaller boy. They fled at a swift speed, with the two ending up hiding in between some buildings and houses. Due to the excessive running, Kazuha had to catch his breath from exhaustion. However, Kunikuzushi hadn't any need for oxygen as a puppet.

"May I ask.. why you are being targeted by the Fatui?" Kazuha huffed between words, whispering to keep their pursuers from discovering their location. "I'll explain to you once we get somewhere safer." Kazuha nodded and they both waited for the Fatui soldiers to leave. Kazuha opened his mouth to suggest that they could leave when a soldier passed by. Kunikuzushi then placed his hand over Kazuha's mouth in an instant and pushed themselves down to the ground, behind a cooking stove in front of the two.

Kazuha now lay on the ground holding his breath while Kunikuzushi rested his body on top of his with his palm against Kazuha's lips. After confirming the soldier had left, they both sat up and agreed to find a place of residency in which they could hide from the Fatui before leaving the city of Liyue to continue on their journey. The puppet and the descendant of the Kaedehara Clan hastily found an apartment for rent and Kunikuzushi was to explain his predicament to Kazuha.

"I used to be in affiliation with the Fatui. Moreover, I used to be one of their Harbingers, the sixth in ranking; otherwise known as the Balladeer. However, I had plans of my own and decided to betray the Tsaritsa by taking the Electro Archon's Gnosis for myself. They then labelled me as a traitor and demanded I be punished." Kunikuzushi described the situation in thorough detail as Kazuha mentally took note of everything.

"If you are unaware of the purpose of a Gnosis, think of it as a Vision that only the Gods use. A small piece that gives merely a fraction of their power. But to humans, Gnoses are the key to becoming omnipotent and unconquerable." "And you have one of these 'Gnoses'?" "Yes. If you are planning to take it away from me, or turning me in to the Fatui, I will fight back." Kazuha gave him a small smile in response. "I won't. I promise."

Kunikuzushi sighed and sat on his bed on the other side of the room. "Are you tired? Do you wish to end the night here?" Kazuha stood up and turned the lights off, getting into his own bed. "If you need anything, please wake me." Kazuha soon fell into slumber, but Kunikuzushi stayed awake in the dark room. He stood up and silently walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him so as not to wake the other.

Opening the window, the moonlight shone through and the cold breeze was let into the bathroom. Kunikuzushi reached into the pockets of his white robes and pulled out the Gnosis. He stared at the purple item in his hand, the one he worked so hard to earn and protect. This was his goal, to take back what was originally meant for him. After all, he was built to wield the Gnosis of the Electro Archon and rule over Inazuma in the place of the true Archon. However, he was discarded instead.

He had, at last, achieved his lifelong goal. But, why wasn't he happy? He was able to feel pain, anger, guilt and sorrow, but why couldn't he ever feel happy? The emotion he longed to feel was still out of his grasp, still unachievable, still motivating Kunikuzushi to commit even worse crimes in order to get his one and only desire. He pocketed the Gnosis once more, and placed a palm over his chest.

Perhaps to get what he truly wants, he needed a heart.

Damn that hiding scene though.. I really wanted Kuni to kiss Kazu to keep him quiet but I also didn't wanna make it go too fast since they only met the other evening-

I feel like I'm already taking it too fast with the whole body pinning thing though

Signing off, Jam.Official (J4m0ffici41)

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