Chapter 35

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Gt:*Working on His laptop on the couch until he hears a knock on the door*(That's odd but it maybe a girl scout or A teenager knocking on the door then they ran)*Walks to the door and Looks though the peep hole on the door to see Miki*(What is she doing here?)*Opens the door*.

Miki:*Waves hi*Its good to see you again Miss Gt.

Gt:Same Maam(Ok ever A she pretending I'm a girl but in reality she knows I'm male or B She acting dumb probably both).

Miki:*Realized something*Oh I Actually wanted to give you something as thanks for giving me my credit card back*Pulls out a Reservation for a Fancy Named restaurant*I Hope you like England like food.

Gt:*Takes the Card and Looks at it and Flips it over and Sees its the same on the back just Japanese*Well thank you miss but is this your way of asking Me out*Leans on the door*?

Miki:*Shocked*(Dang He found out already well I'm not into him I know that but I got to play along so This opportunity doesn't get wasted)Yes You seem quiet the Reader.

Gt:Thank you My Mom and sister has told me that I can read people like a Book when I focus enough (Aka All the time).

Miki:*Nods*(Ok that new information)Well the restaurant won't open until 5 pm and it's 10 am so I hope to see you then.

Gt:Look forward to it.

Miki:*Walks away*.

Gt:*Cloes the door and after it's closed my Cool Acting goes away*What the Heck Normally That doesn't happen Ether A The JDSF usually kidnapped the person they see as a threat or a Important figure!

As gt is freaking out in Stella's apartment we go to Miki


Miki:*Gets in my car and starts to Drive to HQ and Clicks a ear piece in my ear*Ok I got him to go Out to dinner with me ma'am.

Gyozen:Good job Miki but don't forget when you need to inform Stella of this and Make sure When you and Gt Go to the restaurant have a listening device on you.

Miki:I won't forget ma'am.

Gyozen:Good Gyozen out*Clicks off*.

Miki:*Clicks off and Pulls out My phone to call Stella and puts it on the ear piece so I can focus on the road*.

Stella:*Working on a Work assignment she got and hears her phone ring and sees it form Miki*Ma'am you need something.

Miki:Yes actually Gyozen whated me to inform you on That were doing the operation tonight.


Miki:*Understands why she did that*I let that yell slide knowing you may have bonded with Gt but for now we Have to do this We can't let the public know to much about his existence If they were to find out when We found out about Goja and her crew Peolpe went crazy but now there calm how do think they would react to him.

Stella:*Thinks about it and Sighs*They would freak out The same way.

Miki:Correct I'm sorry to have to remove him form your home We got a lot of good information form it but It maybe easier if he is With us.

Stella:Yes ma'am.

Miki:Good I'll call to check on you once we're done.

Stella:Yes ma'am.

Miki:Talk to you Later stella*Clicks her phone and pulls into the garage they have on HQ and gets out of the car goes to her office she has to change back into her usual attire*.

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