Chapter 34

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Gyozen:*Shocked at the information she and everyone else just got form gt*.

Miki:*Rubs her head a bit*So what gt is saying he and his niece found a ancient Graveyard and found bones of a ancient dragon!

Ibuki:That's what it sounds like but now I wonder where the bones are or at least the Graveyard to make sure no else finds out about it.

Gojo:Agreed if people where to find it who knows what will happen.

Yuhara: Yeah expectedly if The people in America find out.

Gyozen:*Growls at the mentioned nation*Yeah agreed let's hope SHE doesn't find out.

Miki:You mean Kayla ma'am?

Gyozen:*Growls louder at the name*Yeah her.

Miki:I know you and her have a miniature rivalry but still The fact it's been going on this long.

Gyozen:*Sighs*I just don't want her to find a way to make a mech like kiryu and telling by how we used bones form the first appeared goja but still I don't what her and her forces doing the same.

Miki:*Sighs*Well now the fact We know where kaiju like Graveyard is we need to Ether bring him here or his niece.

Gojo:Agreed Miki but I think gt is the better candidate.

Yuhara:Agreed gt clearly has more information then he let's us see so what do you want to do gyozen?

Gyozen:(Well it would be better to bring him in soon so we know where gt is so we don't have to worry about things getting out if hands)Well it decided we'll bring gt to the room that just finished *Shows everyone there the report*So Miki once Stella Wakes up call her when she is alone and tell her to lead gt somewhere so once we know no else will see Ether Stella or Someone else will knock him out and bring him here or put something in his food to knock him out.

Miki:*Nods*Yes ma'am Once Stella Wakes up I'll inform her right away.

Gyozen:*Smriks*(I hope your ready Mr Gt let's hope our information about you is true~)


While they prepare to bring gt there we go to Monster island to see Jr training with her Goja

Jr:*Swings a right hook and then swings left and continues to train*

Goja:*Blocking everything but Smiles at the fact how far Jr has come since first meeting Lg*(I Wonder how Lg Is gonna React to how much buffer Jr is).

Jr:*Jumps and continues to train with goja*(Gotta keep going If Ghidorah and her Crew comes back here I'm gonna show that I'm stronger than back then and find a way to make one of them bring Lg back!)*Her mouth glows a bit blue before she fires a atomic breath at goja to which goja gets pushed back by it*.

Goja:*Surprised that Jr used her atomic breath and pushed her backwards*(Dang seems like she is copying me on how I fight but honestly the mix of the atomic breath shows she can control her strength better then before)*Grabs Jr hands as she leap at goja tried to Stomp on her but goja gently grabs Jr by the leg and Holds her*.

Jr:*Looks at goja and Grumbles to herself*.

Goja:What to stop for a bit?

Jr:*Nods yes*.

Goja:Okay I'll put you down Jr*Puts her down as goja sits down*.

Jr:*Siting next to goja and is a bit embarrassed*(I got to remember That mom is still taller then me and she stronger too but still the fact I got better To which I also most got a good hit again).

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