"Yous have 30 minutes." They said before exiting the room and locking the door securely behind them.

They both stared at the knives, they stood in silence for a couple of minutes before Selen picked one of the knives up and stared at it. Both Pomu and Selen glanced at each other.



"And..we don't even know where we're going." Elira said.

"Not at all." Ike responded.

"Tell me...how in the world did we end up in a forest?" Rosemi asked walking closer to Elira.

"Well there's no harm in looking in here, plus, how are we supposed to find where they went if Ike had only saw what street they went down." Elira sighed softly.

"And we were driving around for awhile." Bao added.

"Though, I think those 2 sleepyheads would've rather waited in the car." Elira laughed as she was meaning Uki and Shoto.

Uki was currently holding Shotos hand so that he could have some support while walking, though he was able to walk fine, it was just that sometimes his legs would randomly give out on him.

Around 10 minutes passed and basically everyone was getting tired and annoyed.

"I highly doubt were going to find anything." Ike sighed.

"Can we go back now? I'm getting hungry..." Bao mumbled.

"Mm...yeah me too." Shoto nodded.

"We haven't even been out here for that long..." Rosemi sighed.

They all kept walking for around 10 more minutes before Rosemi stood on something which made her confused before they were all scooped up in a net that was hanging from a tree, they had been caught in a trap.

"Great going...now I'm going to be starving soon." Bao sighed softly.

"I have a knife you know..."








"Selen...we have 10 minutes left..."

"I know that." Selen responded pacing around the room back and forth.

"Were not going to be able to get out of this together you know..." Pomu mumbled who was sitting on one of the beds playing with the knife in her hand.

"I'll...somehow find a way, okay?" Selen said as she stopped pacing and faced Pomu.

"How though?" Pomu asked lifting her head.

Selen then looked away not being able to respond because she honestly had nothing in mind, if she had Eliras skill at dodging bullets, this would've been a lot easier, unfortunately not.

"Thought so..." Pomu mumbled softly.

"Hey." Selen said turning towards her.

"Hm?" Pomu said looking at her again.

"Would you mind giving this to Shoto and Elira for me?" Selen said walking to Pomu and gently grabbed her hand.

Pomu opened her hand as Selen placed down 2 necklaces.

"It was supposed to be a gift for our anniversary this up coming year." Selen said.

"Anniversary..?" Pomu tilted her head.

"Yeah, we celebrate the day we became polices, you know?" Selen smiled.

"It happens every new year." Selen said.

"Why don't you...give them to them, yourself?" Pomu said as she stared down at the necklaces.

"Because, I won't be here for that." Selen said.

"What happened to you trying to get us both out of here together?" Pomu said looking up at Selen.

"We only have 6 more minutes left, they're going to kill us both when the timer finishes." Selen said.

"Then let me die instead! Give these to Shoto and Elira yourself!" Pomu said standing up and holding the necklaces out.

Selen smiled as she closed Pomu's hand that held the necklaces.

"Do it for me, okay?" Selen said with a soft smile.

"No..! They'll hate every new years if you die Selen!" Pomu said.

"Then make them not hate it, make sure the group spends quality time together, okay?" Selen said.

"Spend the new years with them, the whole group." Selen mumbled with a soft smile on her face.

"And promise me you'll get everyone out of here alive...okay?" Selen said as she held Pomu's hand squeezing them tightly.

Pomu was on the verge of breaking down, they were down to 2 minutes left, she felt Selen let go of her hands before Selen pulled her in for a hug, Pomu held onto her tightly feeling tears drop down.

"You can do that, right?" Selen said.

Pomu slowly nodded as her grip around Selen got tighter not wanting to let her go.

"I'm sorry...we ended up in a situation like this..." Pomu muffled.

"Don't apologize, it isn't your fault at all." Selen said softly.

They were down to one minute, as a count down started up, counting down from 60 seconds. Selen pulled Pomu closer hugger her tighter as they both didn't want to let go. Though, as it reached 20 seconds, Selen quickly let go and stepped back.

"Thank you Pomu, take care of Elira and Shoto for me yeah? Make sure they don't cause chaos for me." Selen smiled softly.

Pomu nodded slowly as she was trying to speak but nothing would come out.

"Also, thank you again, for giving me, Shoto and Elira another chance at being good again." Selen said putting the knife against her chest.

"Let's meet again soon, okay?" Selen smiled.

Pomu immediately ran to Selen as she stabbed herself and caught her as she toppled over, they both fell to the ground as Pomu held her closely, Selen weakly wrapped her arms around Pomu. Pomu was burying her head on her neck as tears streamed down her face.

"I'm sorry...I'll fulfill your requests okay? I'll do them..." Pomu said shakily holding her tighter.

"I'm sorry."








A/n: well.

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