I stretched my arms up tired of the restless day when I looked down at my feet and saw a shadow from someone behind me by a few feet. The tiny bit of light left finally disappeared and I reached for my knife. Who is this, What do I do!?

" Y/N" I had expected Police, a drug addict, a murderer but when I turned, I saw an older lady with thin rectangular glasses resting on her nose. Her hair was up in a weirdly shaped bun, at least I least I thought it was a bun. She was also wearing a robe ,like actual robes.....was she trying to make a fashion statement? So many questions and literally no time as I started backing away slowly. My knife held ready to stab when needed, her eyes in return showed great sadness before she spoke again. Her tone much softer than before, "Y/N L/N ?"

"How do you know my last name..."I said uncertain not knowing if this lady was out to kill me or not. She looked kind but you never know with people now a days. She lifted her hand rather quickly making me flitch and I was prepared to lunge at her but I stopped myself as I watched her pull out an envelope. She was attempting to hand me a letter.....

That... that looks like the letter the bird had earlier..

I inched forward for it, never putting my knife down and I snatched it from her hand. It had my full name on the front written in cursive and on the back was a very familiar stamp in bright red. I opened it slowly glancing up at the lady every once in a while, that sadness in her eyes again. Finally fully opened I read the first line aloud, "Dear Miss L/N, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" Is this some kind of joke? I looked up at her to see her giving me a warm smile ,"What is this?" I asked as I waved the fancy letter around, "and... who are you?"

"I am professor McGonagall Miss L/N. I teach at that school Hogwarts and it came to my attention by Proffesor Dumbledor that you are a wizard in an orphanage...but you weren't in an orphanage. No one could locate you so I am here to set you for the school year myself. School starts in just one day now..." She let out a sigh, "You are not an easy one to find miss L/N."

I let out a smirk at her comment.


"Magic isnt real is it?", she only gave me another kind smile as my face screamed confusion, she just didn't want to answer me. Ok maybe this seriously isn't a joke ..."But what will I need for a "wizarding" school ?"

She answered this time is a very teacher like tone,"I will take you tomorrow with a list of things which is in that letter and the next day we take all your things and school supplies and I drop you off at the train to Hogwarts." Before I could ask something else she looked at me,"Also miss L/N , you are in need of a bath and sleep and food, I can't have you looking like a wild beast at school."

I slowly nodded as I fixed my sunglasses catching her attention, we were taking a train to wherever she was taking me this late at night. I guess she hadn't realized I had sunglasses on, "why do you wear these?"

I frowned hoping she wouldn't have asked, "it's to hide my eyes." I said it softly you could hear the twinge in my voice that I didn't like it. She reached out to grab them but I quickly leaned backwards hitting another row of seats behind me.

"Remove them. I need to know what exactly is it that you are hiding young lady"?

Quickly learning that when she needed to she sounded strict I slowly -and reluctantly- slid them off , glancing up at her she slightly gasped. "Are they always like this?" I shook my head to this and she continued to look at my eyes in confusion, "You've been with muggles for too long...I've never seen something like this before."

I tilted my head like a dog, and looked at her confused, "Muggles? What's a muggles, is it like a city?"

"Muggles is what we call non magic people."

"Then how am I a wizard if I'm here?" She gave me a soft smile and with that she explained to me many things. Muggle born wizards, half blood wizards, pure blood wizards. How most wizard families stay and live in wizard communities and not with muggles. She also told me more about the school. It sounded so fake to me, to a person like me whose always on the run, who digs in trash bins for food, who steals money to live. It was a strange thought that magic was real and that I possessed it. She also began to tell me about the four houses in Hogwarts; Gryffindor's who are daring and brave, Hufflepuff's who are loyal and kind, Ravenclaws who are clever and possess great wisdom, and finally Slytherin that are ambitious and cunning. She seemed to despise the last house because as she finished speaking of it, she turned to me and stated, " Getting any other house is the best for you, Gryffindor would be at the top." Then she told me how other magic schools existed, even one across the waters in America.

"Follow me," I walked out of the train trailing behind her like a lost animal. Not many people were outside in this area at the moment, and I watched as she pulled out a wooden stick and magically made a building appear. Is that a wand? My job dropped to the floor as it came out of nowhere and no one in the surrounding buildings questioned why their rooms suddenly moved feet over. When she was done she turned to see me in shock ," No time to waste Y/N, follow me inside. Food will be prepared then you will bathe. Maybe twice. And sleep. We have much to do tomorrow."

She went ahead of me as I was still bewildered at what just happened, when she called me again I closed my mouth and for the first time in a long time I was excited. "Im coming!" I rushed to the door and followed her in, only one thing on my mind.

This time my birthday means something.

Lost In The Shadows(Harry Potter X reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ